Chapter 31

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Vincent Kinsington

The next few days passed the same, Chet and I had lunch together and then he would call me on his way home after soccer practice. Except last night - Wednesday - he texted me after his away game. He was back for school today and we had lunch together, but instead of calling me after practice, he was going to take the bus to my apartment. When he found out I was good at math, he asked me to help him with his finance assignment which I was happy to do. And I had a business calculus assignment so we could work on them together.

I had offered to pick him up after soccer practice, but he was worried someone might see us so he was going to take the bus here. I had my laptop open in front of me, but I wasn't really paying attention to it. I could only think about Chet. I closed my laptop giving up. I took out my business calculus book and a pencil. They sat on the table. It was too obvious. I moved them to the kitchen counter. That just looked weird. I put them back in my backpack.

Wait. I didn't have any dinner ready for him. He'd be hungry right after soccer practice and it was about dinner time anyway. There was a knock on my door. He was here and I didn't have anything to feed him.

I opened the door. Chet stood on the other side with an infectious smile and a bag of take out food from the barbeque place down the street.

"I thought you might be hungry," he said. "Why are you smiling like that?"

I shook my head and stepped aside so he could enter. I couldn't get rid of the smile on lips. "I was just thinking the same about you," I said, "that you would probably be hungry and I didn't have any food to feed you."

Chet put the food on my little, round table. "I am hungry," he said.

I took out plates and got glasses of water as he pulled the food out of the bag. We talked about little things as we ate - soccer, school, friends. When we were done, I cleaned off the table and put the dishes in the kitchen sink. I expected him to start on his finance homework at the table, but when I came out of the kitchen, he was on my bed with his back propped against the headboard. His knees were curled up and he had his open finance book sitting on his thighs.

I paused to smile at him. Before my stare could turn awkward, I got my business calculus book and pencil and went and sat on the other side of the bed. I scooted close to him though so if he needed my help like he said he did, I would be easily accessible to him.

He went through the first several problems without asking for my help so I concentrated on my own homework. I kept glancing at his homework, but as far as I could tell he had answered all of the problems correctly and with ease. I was beginning to think he didn't really need help with his homework.

He finished before I did and put his book and pencil on the end table next to my bed.

"That one is wrong," he said pointing at one of the problems I had just finished. I raised an eyebrow at him. He came to my apartment because he said he needed help with his homework not because he was going to help me with mine.

He smiled so sweetly at me that I couldn't help but smile back. I checked the problem he had pointed out and he was right, it was wrong. I corrected it and went on to the next problem. He pulled out his phone and leaned against me while he flipped through soccer news articles.

When I was through, I put my book on the end table next to my side of the bed and wrapped my arms around Chet holding him close to me. He put his head on my shoulder and continued to read the article on his phone. It was something about the Division I soccer tournament, but I was more interested in him than the article.

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