Chapter 52

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Vincent Kinsington

It had been just over a week since I started living with the Watakeekuls. I still couldn't believe how welcome each of them made me feel. Even Kannika had immediately made herself my little sister. When Chet's parents realized it wasn't going to be so easy for me to just call them mom and dad they told me I could call them by their names Nat and Nate. Those were shortened versions of their full first names - Natcha and Nattapong. Finals were over and school was now out until the beginning of January.

I sat on Chet's bed - our bed - looking at the contacts in my phone. I had made one change to the contacts that Mr. Watakeekul had put into my phone. I had changed boyfriend to My Heart. And since Chet had to change my phone number in his phone anyway and we were no longer hiding that we were dating, he had changed my contact in his phone to My Love.

I had added five other contacts into my phone - Aley, Trev, Mateo, Gareth and Grandma. I pulled up grandma's contact and contemplated calling her. It hadn't been the first time I sat there with her contact pulled up. In the end, I put away my phone. I wouldn't be able to handle it if she sided with my dad and mom. It was safer to just not know.

Chet came into the room, sat on the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "What time is your job interview today?" he asked. He put his chin on my shoulder.

"I should leave in an hour," I said.

"I'll go with you," he said. "Some of the guys from the team are getting together to play soccer on the field. I'll go practice a bit until your interview is through."

"Okay." I had been on a handful of interviews this past week. Today's interview was with the registrar's office on campus. Nat had been kind enough to help me make a resume. She also gave me interview tips and told me to put her down as a reference. She had told me to put Nate as a reference too especially since I had actually worked under him, but I didn't want him to get in trouble at work if my dad found out so I didn't put him as a reference. My other references were Alex and Trevon. I hadn't actually worked with any of my references. The only job I ever had was at my dad's business those two summers.

Despite my lack of references and job experience, I still thought it was going to be easy to find a job. There were plenty of students that hadn't had jobs before they attended the university and they all got jobs. Jobs around the university seemed to be specifically for students that didn't necessarily have job experience. Everyone had to start somewhere.

The interviews I had gone on all seemed to go well. The interviewers seemed to like me and when I discussed them with Nat afterwards, her impressions were that they went well too.

There was a knock on the open bedroom door which startled me because I thought no one was home except me and Chet. Kannika's winter break hadn't started yet so she was still in school and Chet's mom and dad were both supposed to be at work. It was Chet's dad.

"What are you doing home?" Chet asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I came home for lunch," Nate said. There was a slight pause and then he said, "Actually, I wanted to talk to the both of you when Kanni isn't around. Could you come into the living room, please?"

My first thought was that I had done something wrong and they were going to kick me out. But, in my short time here, I didn't think they were the type of people to kick me out.

Chet and I followed him into the living room. He sat in a chair and we sat side by side on the couch.

"What's up?" Chet asked.

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