Chapter 45

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Vincent Kinsington

When I opened my eyes, sunlight streamed in through the blinds on my window and illuminated Chet's face and his brown eyes as he blinked at me. His black eyelashes were long. His caramel skin glowed welcoming the sunlight. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"Awhile," he answered honestly.

"You could have woken me," I said.

"It's Thanksgiving break. You should be able to sleep in."

"Don't remind me," I said and pulled him even closer.

"Don't remind you of what? That it's Thanksgiving today?"

"Ugh. Yes. That. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here with you."

He smiled and his warm hand came up to caress my jaw. "We have to go to our own houses," he said. "I shouldn't have slept over last night, but I did anyway."

He was right. I found myself once again hating that life interfered with my time with Chet.

"Fine," I said. "We should get up and get ready then. Do you want breakfast this morning?"

"No," he said as he rolled out of bed and began to get dressed. "My dad always makes us a big feast. More than we can eat. I guess that's what Thanksgiving is all about you know besides the whole give thanks thing."

I watched him from the bed as he finished dressing. He smirked when he caught me.

"Get up," he said. "You have to get ready too."

"Fine," I said and rolled out of bed.

He watched me as I got dressed. I didn't mind.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Always," I said as I pulled my shirt on over my head.

"Your grandma seems really nice and supportive. Wouldn't she stand up for you if the rest of your family finds out about us?"

My stomach began to turn in knots. It was something I tried not to think of too often. "I love my grandma," I said quietly, "but she isn't perfect. She didn't welcome me as a new baby. That's what I've been told anyway. I obviously don't remember it. I do remember bringing her flowers I picked from the garden when I was five because I wanted her to love me like she loved Aiden. And I remember she smiled at me. I think that's when things began to change and she began to accept me. She loves me, but she loves her son more." My voice grew quiet as the pain tore at my heart. As if Chet could sense my pain, he closed the distance between us and hugged me. The pain in my heart eased as his arms came around me.

"She will vouch for me," I said. "She will try to get my dad to change his mind, but ultimately she won't interfere with his decision."

"I hope you're wrong about that," Chet said.

But I couldn't hope that I was wrong because if I hoped that she could change his mind or make him keep me as his son and then it didn't work, it would destroy me. It was easier not to hope. We held each other without saying anything. I just basked in his warmth and the safety I felt in his arms. He pulled away first and went into the bathroom.

I went into my bedroom and changed into better clothes for Thanksgiving with my family. When I heard Chet brushing his teeth, I rushed into the bathroom to join him. He smirked with the toothbrush in his mouth. He had figured out I liked watching him brush his teeth. I grabbed my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. I began brushing my teeth so it wouldn't be too obvious I was staring at him even though I was. He bumped my shoulder with his own.

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