Chapter 1

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A/N: This book has a Mature rating

Vincent Kinsington

"This is my boyfriend. Mateo."

I looked from my best friend - tall, beautiful, perfect blonde hair, green eyes, full pink lips, sculpted jaw, gentle Alex - to the short man with disheveled black hair, standard brown eyes, small heart lips, tanned skin from being in the sun too long, but not tanned because he chose to tan. No, peeking from underneath his short sleeves was lighter skin. He had a farmer's tan, not a beautiful, even tan.

This young man sitting next to my best friend was not worthy of him. None of his clothes - not even his shoes - were designer.

He stretched out a short, tanned arm across the table towards me. We sat in a cafe near the University. "It's nice to meet you," he said.

I sat back in my chair with my arms folded over my chest and turned my attention back to Alex. "No," I said.

The 'boyfriend' retracted his hand and looked at my best friend with a confused expression. The worry line began to form on Alex's pale forehead. He knew me just as well as I knew him.

"I'm introducing you because you are my best friend," Alex said in his soft voice. "Not because I need your approval."

"I thought you said he knew you were gay," the young man next to him whispered.

"I do," I said. I unfolded my arms and leaned forward in my chair. "I don't have a problem with him being gay." I let my eyes scan Mateo up and down and didn't bother to hide the disdain on my face. In fact, I exaggerated it just a bit so Mateo would be sure to know how much I disliked him. "I have a problem with the economical situation not being equal."

Alex frowned and let out a disappointed sigh. Mateo looked from me to Alex and back again. "Are you saying I'm too poor?" he asked.

"You could put it that way if you are unrefined," I replied.

His cheeks flamed with anger. He stood up to his full - short height as if that would intimidate me. The chair he had been sitting in slid backwards a few inches. It made a scritch sound against the hard floor. Alex grabbed Mateo's hand with both of his.

"He's kidding, aren't you?" Alex's green eyes pleaded with me. Mateo's stance softened a little at Alex's touch. He knew I wasn't kidding, but was willing to let it go for Alex. His act was good, but he wasn't fooling me.

"I'm not kidding," I said easily.

"Maybe we should go," Alex said softly. He stood while still holding Mateo's hand.

"What about Trevon?" I asked as they started to walk away.

Mateo was just a few inches taller than Alex's shoulders. The difference in the expense of their apparel was as clear as day from night. Alex tensed and stopped. He turned back to me. "What about him?" But I could tell from his eyes he already knew what I was going to say.

I leaned back in my chair and stretched out my long legs to occupy the space Mateo had been in when he sat across from me. "He just came out to his family as bi. Date him instead." At least I knew Trevon wouldn't be dating Alex only for his money.

Alex's hand tightened around Mateo's.

"I'm not interested in dating Trevon. I already have someone."

I rolled my eyes and sat up straight. "It's going to be a repeat of what happened with Jason," I said.

The 'boyfriend' surprised me when he answered and not Alex. "I'm not Jason." He spit out Jason's name as if it were poison.

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