Chapter 29

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Chet Watakeekul

Vincent's breathing slowed, deepened and I knew he was asleep. My plan had not been to stay the entire night. I needed to get my dad's car back to him before he had to leave for work in the morning. He didn't even know I borrowed it. But how could I leave Vincent? I couldn't. Especially not with his head on my chest and his arms around me.

His arms were going to fall asleep if he left them like that. I shifted and moved his arms from underneath me. His head moved slightly on my chest, but he quickly settled on me and never actually woke. He was so tall and he was down so far on the bed that his feet stuck out over the end of the bed. I pulled the quilt from the other side of the bed and wrapped it around us so we were wrapped like a burrito. It appeared I would be spending the night. I pulled one of his pillows underneath my head and wrapped my arms around him. His deep breath made my own eyes slowly close.

I woke some time later. The light over his table by the kitchen had been left on through the night. There was a large window by his bed with dark blinds which were currently closed. If it had been daylight though, the light still would have streamed through in places, but it was dark. I tried to dig my phone out of my pocket, but I quickly realized I would have to move Vincent to do that and I didn't want to do that. Vincent's phone was still next to us on the bed. I picked it up and looked at the time. 5:33.

I could fall back asleep and hope my alarm would wake me in time to get the car back. Instead, I gently scooted my way out from underneath Vincent. He shifted, but didn't wake. I moved the pillow I had been using under his head. I crouched next to him and looked at his sleeping face. In this moment, the stress and pain were free from his face. He looked innocent and sweet with a slight smile on his lips.

I leaned over him and kissed him gently on the forehead. "I don't want to leave, my love." My body tingled as soon as I said the words. We hadn't even been dating a week. It was much too early to call him 'my love' as much as the words sounded right. It might scare him away. For a moment, I was worried he might have heard my words, but his sleeping expression never changed and his breathing remained slow and deep. I delicately swept a finger over his eyebrow. He had seemed to like it when I had done that last night.

I stood up and scanned the room quickly. I had to leave, but I didn't want him to think I had abandoned him. I saw his backpack by the table. I quietly opened it and took out a notebook and a pen. I opened the notebook at the back because I didn't want to feel like a snoop by going through his things. I mean, I normally was a snoop, but I wanted to be respectful of Vincent. Besides, he had been open with me. I didn't think he would purposely hide anything from me.

I don't want to leave without saying goodbye, but I borrowed my dad's car and he needs it to go to work. I'll meet you at the same time and place for lunch unless you can't do lunch today. Text me when you wake up so I know you saw this.

I didn't know how to end it. I couldn't just say 'love Chet'. It was way too soon in our relationship. Everything either sounded too formal, too informal or too intimate so I didn't end it. I just left it as it was.

I opened his apartment door, but looked back at him one last time before I left quietly closing the door behind me. The streets were empty, the sky was dark. It didn't take me long to get back home.

The house was quiet when I stepped inside, but I knew Kannika was a light sleeper and would hear me come home. I put my dad's keys back in their usual spot and then stepped quietly to Kannika's room. Her bedroom door was open so I stood in the doorframe. She was on her bed, under her blanket, but her eyes were open and she blinked at me tiredly.

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