Chapter 16

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Chet Watakeekul

I got off the bus with my bag slung over my shoulder. I burst into the house with my arms outstretched and a wide smile on my face expecting my family to welcome me home and congratulate me on another win, but there wasn't anyone in the living room. My lips turned down into a frown and I sighed. I went and put my bag in my bedroom.

The kitchen door opened and I quickly stepped back out into the living room expecting a hug, but my mom was on the phone. Her eyes flickered to me and she smiled, but the smile was slightly strained.

"That's great, son," she said to the phone.

My heart froze. My teeth clenched together and my hands balled into fists by my side.

"That sounds like a really great job," she continued as she spoke with Kiet. I knew it was my brother. Who else would she call son?

She knew I didn't want to hear about him, but she kept talking to him in the living room. I suddenly got the impression she purposely came into the living room so that I could overhear how "great" my brother was doing.

I checked my pockets to make sure I had my wallet and phone and then I left the house not wanting to hear anymore.

I took a bus back up to the university. It was Sunday so there weren't any classes, but there were students milling around. I decided to go to a nearby cafe. It was late morning and the cafe was busy with students. One particular student who sat at a table in the back corner caught my eye. Out of everyone I thought possible to accidentally run into at the cafe on a Sunday, it wasn't him. His golden eyes looked up and found mine. He didn't move other than to run a finger along the rim of his coffee mug.

I was actually glad he was there. He was someone I could confront and get some of my frustrations out - unlike Kiet who I hoped to never see again. Not after he hurt our sister. I went to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate because I was banned from having coffee by my family and friends. Apparently I was already too energetic without it and with it I just got jittery. I also ordered the banana nut muffin. I got extra whip cream on my hot chocolate because why not? I paid, got my order and made my way passed the crowded tables and talking students to the back table where Vincent sat. He sighed dramatically when I sat in front of him.

"Really?" he said. "You couldn't sit somewhere else?"

"I don't want to sit somewhere else," I said easily.

He shook his head and stared down into his dark coffee.

"We won the soccer game," I said. I broke off a piece of the muffin and stuck it in my mouth.

"Do you expect me to congratulate you?" he asked dryly.

"Yes," I said when I had swallowed the bite.

"But I don't even like you."

"Congratulate me anyway," I said.

"Congratulations," he said without any enthusiasm. It made me happy.

I brought the mug to my lips. The mound of whip cream was cool against my mouth and then a rush of heat burned my tongue when the hot chocolate rushed into my mouth. I hissed softly and put the mug back down on the table.

Vincent reached across the table and wiped my mouth with his thumb. His eyes widened slightly in surprise when he realized what he had done. He quickly retracted his hand and wiped the whip cream onto his napkin. He tried to cover his surprise quickly as he lowered his eyes to his coffee mug again.

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