Chapter 39

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A/N: This chapter contains mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Vincent Kinsington

I slowly blinked my eyes open. There was a faint light from the kitchen. Chet was still asleep, his breathing deep, his face relaxed. He was on his back with his head tilted slightly towards me. The covers rested at his stomach leaving his chest bare.

It was rare for me to wake up before him. Had I ever woken up before him? He must have been really tired. I reached across him and picked up his phone from the end table on his side of the bed. His alarm was about to ring. I turned it off instead. Last night must have worn him out. I didn't want to wake him. I placed the phone quietly back on the end table.

I settled beside him and placed my hand over his chest. His heartbeat was steady underneath my palm. I had thought Chet filled every space in my heart already, but after last night, I realized he had filled even more. It wasn't fathomable how much of me he could still fill. I couldn't believe he was mine.

His flesh was warm. His muscles were beautiful and defined. I moved my hand down slightly and traced the grooves of his six pack. I hadn't expected him to be so toned but I probably should have. He was an athlete after all. His thighs were exquisite. I wasn't sure why I thought the rest of him wouldn't be.

I scooted down a little on the bed so I could place my chin on his shoulder. My arm stretched across his chest and stomach. My hand settled near his opposite bare hip. His breathing was deep and steady. It was rhythmic like a lullaby.

I didn't mean to fall asleep in that position, but the next time my eyes opened the sunlight from the dawn streamed through the sides of my closed blinds. I sat up and looked at Chet. He was in the same position. Maybe I shouldn't have let him sleep. Maybe he was going to be angry with me.

He shifted and his deep brown eyes opened. He smiled when he saw me sitting beside him. His hand rested on my lower back. "Good morning," he said.

"I turned off your alarm and I think we've slept in," I said.

His expression remained pleasant as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his chest. His fingers ran through my hair.

"Good," he said. His breath tickled my hair. "Sleeping in is okay every once in awhile. Vince."


"I love you." His arms tightened around me.

"I love you too," I said and meant it with my entire being.

His phone rang. I had never hated a phone before, but I hated his now. I had dreaded phone calls from certain people, but had never actually hated a phone.

Chet's arm left me as he reached for his phone. I pulled back slightly so I could look at his face as he answered it.

"Hello," Chet said into the phone.

"Why is Gareth telling me I need to call you first thing in the morning?" Mateo's muted voice asked.

Jealousy swarmed through me. Chet did make me a better person, but he didn't make me perfect. I couldn't help it. It was petty of me. I was the one who had Chet. I was the one he wanted. Mateo was just a friend - had been a friend many years before I came into the picture, and yet at that moment, I wanted all of Chet's attention.

"I don't know," Chet said into the phone. "Gareth is weird."

I readjusted myself so my naked body hovered directly over Chet's. His eyes met mine and his breathing changed. Lust and want filled his eyes. I smiled knowing I had already won. I kissed him passionately not caring if Mateo heard. Actually, I wanted him to hear that Chet was mine.

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