Chapter 44

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We didn't technically have soccer practice anymore, but most of us on the team met up to practice on the field anyway. It was just weird not to and we needed to stay in shape for next season. I had just showered and dressed. I was tying my shoe trying to get out of there as soon as I could so I could go meet Alex in the parking lot. We were going to look at apartments today.

I paused when Tim went up to Chet. Tim showed Chet his cell phone. They both looked at it a moment before Chet quickly covered it with his hand. They both glanced at me. They quickly looked away when they saw me watching them.

Tim said something to Chet that I couldn't hear. Chet's shoulders visibly dropped as he sighed. He took Tim's phone away from him and approached me. I finished tying my shoe.

"What's up?" I asked afraid of what the answer would be.

"I'm not sure how to say this," Chet said as sat next to me on the bench.

"Just say it."

Chet looked back at Tim who waved from a safe distance for Chet to say something.

"I think the video of Alex got released," he said.

My fingers went numb. "Part of it was released," I said. "Alex's lawyer is working to get the videos removed.

"I don't think this is just part of a video," Chet said. "I think it is all of the video." My heart dropped.

"Did you watch it to know for sure?"

Chet shook his head vigorously. "I don't want to watch that, but it's not just 30 seconds long or a minute long. It's longer than that."

I didn't want to, but I had to know for sure. I took the phone from Chet. On the screen a video was paused. Alex sat on a bed with a boy. They were in the middle of a kiss. They were fully clothed and the kiss wasn't too heated, but my heart ripped into tiny pieces. I looked down at the bar at the bottom of the screen. The video had just started and Chet was right, it was a longer video.

I couldn't look at it anymore. I handed it back to Chet. "Can you just click through the video and make sure it is the full video and not just the same snippet put together back to back?" That was a possibility, wasn't it? I pleaded to whatever force or being was out there that this was the case.

Chet shook his head. "I don't want to see the video."

He tried to hand the phone back to me but I refused to take it. "Do you think I want to see it? I can't, Chet."

Chet sighed, stood up so his back was to the lockers so no one else would be able to see it either and he began to skip ahead in the video. He didn't say anything, but I could tell as his expression got darker and sicker that it was the full video.

I bent over with my head in my hands. Life was about to get permanently harder for Alex. My stomach was heavy like I had swallowed stones.

"It's the full video," Chet said quietly. "How did this happen? I thought they arrested Jason?"

"They did," I said still with my head in my hands.

"So it is Alex," Tim said. I hadn't realized he had approached us. "I was hoping it wasn't."

I finally looked up as Chet handed Tim his phone.

"How did you come across it?" I asked him because as far as I knew Tim was straight and had a girlfriend.

"Sarah was watching gay porn videos and..."

"Why is your girlfriend watching gay porn?" Chet asked.

From My Enemy To My Love (boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now