Chapter 70

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A/N:  I'm apologizing now for these next two chapters.  I think a lot of you are going to hate me.  I've known since the beggining that these chapters were going to happen.  A lot of you told me not to do it, but it has to be done.  I won't feel bad if you just skim through them quickly or skip them altogether.

Vincent Kinsington

I pulled out my phone and looked at again. There weren't any new messages. The last message I had received was from Chet asking if I had heard anything.

I took the bagel sandwiches to the table that had ordered them. They politely declined when I asked them if I could get them anything else.

The more time passed, the more my heart grew heavy and my stomach knotted. More than one coworker asked me if I was all right.

"If something is wrong, we can cover for you," Jessica said when I pulled out my phone again. I went back to making the latte.

"I don't know if anything is wrong," I said. "My brother said he was going to contact me today about my grandma, but I haven't heard anything. Hopefully that means everything is fine, right?"

"I hope so," she said. "If you have a family emergency, let me know. We'll work it out here."

"Thanks," I said. I took the latte to the table at the back where the student had her laptop open and was working on assignment.

"Thank you," she said without looking up at me.

My phone vibrated with a call. I immediately answered without looking at the caller i.d.

"Hello," I said. I didn't normally answer my phone at work which was why I had it set on vibrate, but this wasn't normal circumstances. I quickly made my way back behind the counter as I answered.

"Vincent," Aiden's voice was strange. He sniffed. Had he been crying? I couldn't remember the last time Aiden cried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Dad didn't want me to call you, but I have to. She's asking to see you. She's dying, Vincent. I swear I didn't know." His voice hitched at the end and I knew he was crying.

I should ask where they were, what he meant by 'she's dying', but my entire being went blank. My brain stopped functioning. My body wouldn't move as if it had been turned into solid rock. Some part of me was aware of a hand on my shoulder of words being spoken to me, but I couldn't process any of that.

"You have to come," Aiden said. His voice was calmer, but still pained. "Come and bring Chet. She wants to see him too."

Something snapped in me at Chet's name and I was finally able to react. "What do you mean she's dying?" My voice lifted at the end almost hysterically. That was when I remembered where I was. I looked all around. Jessica and my other coworkers were around me watching me with concern. Jessica's hand was the one on my shoulder. My voice couldn't have been too loud because none of the customers paid us any attention.

"You should go," Jessica whispered to me. "I'll take care of everything here."

I didn't need anymore encouragement. I didn't even tell my customers I was leaving. I crossed the cafe and was out the door making my way to the shuttle stop to get Chet.

"Did you hear me, Vinny?" Aiden asked and I realized he had been talking to me at the same time as Jessica.

"No," I said.

"I said, grandma has cancer. I only found out today. She and dad and mom knew. It was why she retired. By the time they found the cancer, it was already terminal. The doctor says they don't expect her to live passed tomorrow." He was sobbing now.

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