Chapter 21

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Vincent Kinsington

I watched him as he entered his house and closed the door behind him.


No one had called me that before. It was a pretty simple reduction for Vincent. You'd think someone in my lifetime would have called me Vince, but it had always been either Vinny or Vincent. Already Chet had a special name for me that only he used.

I had kissed him. I had told him not to avoid this. There was a new kind of hope inside me that had never been there before. And yet, I knew my family could never find out about this. How long could I keep this secret if I started a relationship with him?

I pulled away from his house and began the drive to my apartment. Chet didn't seem the type to like secrets. If I told him why I couldn't let my family find out, would he be understanding? Would he be willing to keep this a secret? We didn't even really know what this was yet.

I arrived at my apartment with one conclusion. I wanted to try. I wanted to try this with him. I wanted to have this hope that I could trust him.

I took off my shoes by the front door and went to my bed. I sat on it and pulled out my phone. Something good had happened tonight, but I didn't forget that I had done something very wrong first.

Alex hadn't sent me a text or tried to call me. Mateo had to have told him by now though. I called Alex.

"Please forgive me," I whispered as the line started to ring.

"Hey, Vinny," Alex answered almost immediately. He didn't sound angry. Didn't Mateo tell him?
"Aley," I said. "I'm sorry. I'm really, truly sorry." I had meant to say more, but my voice choked.

"For what?" Alex asked hesitantly.

"Mateo didn't tell you then," I stated more than asked.

"He told me you were a jerk and I should reevaluate our friendship, but he didn't say why. What did you do, Vincent?"

I couldn't help but notice the change from Vinny to Vincent.

I opened my mouth to admit my betrayal, but nothing would come out. I couldn't say it. It had been too horrible of me.

"I can't say it," I finally said. "But it's bad and I'm really sorry. I won't try to breakup you and Mateo anymore. I was wrong. So very wrong. I'm sorry."

"How can I forgive you if I don't know what you did?" his voice sounded cold now.

"I can't vocalize it, but I'll send you a text. Hold on." I pulled the phone away from my ear and sent the text.

Me: I'm ashamed but I almost told Mateo to take you to a hotel. I stopped myself when I realized how awful I was but Mateo figured out what I was going to suggest.

I put the phone back to my ear, but only silence greeted me. I waited and waited. I knew he was still on the line. He had read my message.

"I'm really sorry," I said again. "I'm a terrible friend. I'll never do anything like this again. I'll support you and Mateo. I'll do whatever you..."

"Vincent," he stopped me. His voice was angry. I waited, but he didn't say more. Time passed slowly as my heart rapidly beat against my chest.

"Vincent," this time it was filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry," I said again.

"I know," Alex said, "but this..."

"I betrayed you," I said as a tear spilled onto my cheek.

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