Chapter 36

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Chet Watakeekul

I woke up and stretched enjoying as each muscle pulled taut. When that was done, I turned to my side to watch Vincent's sleeping face. He was always turned to me. It didn't matter if it was right when we went to bed, when we first woke up, if I woke up in the middle of the night. That didn't mean he didn't move in his sleep. He would shift a bit, maybe more on his back, or more on his side or more on his stomach, but it didn't change the fact that he faced me.

We had won our first tournament game the day before yesterday. The last tournament game for our smaller conference would be tomorrow. It wouldn't affect the outcome. Whether we won or not, our wins for the season were high enough that we would automatically be in the Division I tournament. I tried to think positively, but it was going to be hard to win tomorrow. We were up against the goalie that Devon had never scored against. But anything could happen. He could have an off day. I could be the one to figure out how to get passed him.

I reached for my phone on the end table next to me and disabled the alarm before it could go off and wake Vincent. I always woke up before my alarm went off when I stayed with Vincent. Probably because I didn't want it to wake him. I set my phone back onto the end table and shifted so I was on my side facing Vincent.

My fingers reached out and touched the stubble on his jaw, moved to the stubble on his chin. I wondered if he'd let me shave him. Was that a weird request? He shaved every morning anyway. My fingers moved up and lightly traced his lips. His warm breath caressed my fingers. He shifted slightly and his breathing changed. I withdrew my hand. He might find it strange that I was touching his face while he slept.

His golden eyes fluttered open. They really were beautiful. I reached up and ran my fingers delicately over his eyebrows. He smiled and seemed to melt under my fingertips as he closed his eyes again.

"Good morning," I said quietly

"Yes, it is," he said. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I traced my fingers down the side of his cheek and let them linger on his jaw. His eyes opened. "What do you want for breakfast?" he asked.

I shook my head and brought my fingers to his lips. My hand returned to my side. I leaned in that short distance and kissed him gently.

When I pulled away he asked me, "You don't want breakfast?"

"Can I shave your face?" I asked.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise. "You want to shave me?" He ran a hand over his stubble. I nodded. "What about breakfast? You should eat something," he said.

"We can grab something quick on the way," I said.

"Okay," he said.

Good. He didn't think it was weird. We rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom. I grabbed his facial cleanser and put a little on my hand. I had used his before and thought it was better than my sisters. Yes, I had used my sister's facial cleanser. My mom always got blamed for it, but my mom did use hers too so she couldn't refute it. I was pretty sure my dad used it too. My parents paid for it anyway so I didn't feel guilty.

I put a little bit of hot water on my hand with the cleanser and gently massaged it into his skin. His eyes closed as if he enjoyed it. My fingers lingered on his jaw again. Maybe I had a thing for his jaw. Was that weird?

I rinsed off the cleanser and spread on the shaving cream. I prepared his razor and brought it up to his jaw, but hesitated.

"This feels different than when I shave my own face," I said. The positioning was awkward and I didn't know how to fix it. It wasn't really something to fix. I just had to come to terms that it was a different angle and a different view. I brought the razor up to his jaw but hesitated. "What if I cut you?"

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