Chapter 38

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A/N: This chapter contains mature content. I will indicate where it starts with ------------------------ and indicate where it ends with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if you want to skip this section you can.

Chet Watakeekul

I was running late. Not that I'd be late for class, but if I didn't hurry I'd miss my morning workout and I didn't want to miss it. I finished getting ready and rushed into the kitchen with my backpack over my shoulder. My mom sat at the table eating a freshly made cinnamon roll. My dad spread the icing over the rest of them. I grabbed a napkin and used it to pick up a cinnamon roll.

"Bye," I said with a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," my mom said.

"Are you sleeping at home tonight?" my dad asked.

I paused at the kitchen door. "At a friend's," I said.

My dad opened his mouth as if he was going to say more, but my mom said to me, "Have fun," and gave my dad a look I couldn't discern. My dad shut his mouth.

I rushed to the bus stop and barely made it. I sat towards the back of the bus and finished the cinnamon roll. I used the napkin to wipe my mouth. Hopefully there wouldn't be any trace of icing left. I ran on the track, showered and went and grabbed some breakfast from the buffet in the sports building.

Melissa was already in her seat when I got to finance class. I was usually there before her. I sat down and pulled out my finance book.

"The Division I tournament starts this week," she said to me. Obviously we both knew that already. "Good luck," she said.

"Thanks," I said. "If we can just win the first round, I'll be happy. There are a lot of really good teams this year." I wanted to keep talking about it, but knew class was going to start soon. It was probably not a discussion I should start with such a short amount of time.

"I went on those dates with Devon and Jimmy."

I had kind of forgotten about that, but I didn't say that to her. Instead I said, "How'd they go?"

"Good. I think," she said. "They are both nice." She studied me carefully, but I wasn't sure what she was looking for or how she expected me to respond.

"That's great," I said.

She seemed a little sad as she nodded in agreement. The professor came in at that moment so we couldn't really talk more.

After class, I met Vincent at the back of the parking lot of the cafeteria. It had been days since I had seen him and I just wanted to hold him and kiss him and do everything I dreamed about. We had texted back and forth after the game and throughout the day yesterday, but that wasn't the same as holding him and touching him and seeing his beautiful eyes.

I got in his car. He wanted to kiss me. I could see it. He looked around. There were a lot of students around. He didn't kiss me. Instead, he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where do you want to go eat?" he asked.

"Where ever," I said.

As we drove along the street, he stretched his hand over the center console in between us. I reached out and traced his fingers before I grasped his hand in mine.

He took me to the cafe I liked with the turkey bagel sandwiches.

"Are you coming over tonight?" he asked after we got our food.

"Yes," I said.

He smiled at this. "You probably can't tomorrow night," his smile faded away.

From My Enemy To My Love (boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now