Chapter 17

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Vincent Kinsington

12th Grade

"Hey," Trevon said. He met me in the hall near the front doors. "Seen Alex yet?"

"No and he didn't call me last night after his date like he said he was going to," I said. "Did you hear from him at all?"

Trevon shook his head. Jason passed nearby at that moment. He hadn't noticed us yet. He smirked as he looked at the front doors. It was a look I had never seen on him before and I didn't like it.

Alex walked into the school building at that moment looking like a zombie, in a daze. He bumped into Mr. Zhao and didn't even apologize. He froze when he saw Jason. Jason's mean smirk grew even wider. He started walking towards Alex, but Alex quickly avoided him. Jason shrugged and walked away.

Trevon and I exchanged a quick glance before we walked after Alex. I grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him into the nearest classroom. Mrs. Harris looked at us from her desk and frowned.

"Can you give us a minute please, Mrs. Harris," Trevon said politely.

From the scowl on her face she was about to scold us, but paused when she saw the state Alex was in. Instead she exited the room and left us in peace.

"What's wrong?" I asked Alex.

His eyes didn't focus, didn't even look at me. In a stupor, he took out his phone and handed it to me. I waited for him to say something - give me some instruction, but there was nothing.

I looked at his phone. A text from Jason was open. There was a thirty second video attached to it.

MyJason: if u dont want this to get out give me $100k

I opened the video just as Trevon came around to look over my shoulder.

I was glad the sound on Alex's phone was turned down low because the first thing I recognized was the sounds of passion. Everyone out in the halls would have known what we were watching if the sound had been turned up. Then I recognized the naked bodies of Jason and Alex, Alex underneath Jason clearly having sex. I immediately covered the screen with my hand when I realized what I was watching.

"Why are you showing us a video of you having sex with your boyfriend?" Trevon asked. He hadn't seen the text message. I uncovered the screen so I could exit out of the video and showed Trevon the message. Trevon's entire body stiffened beside me.

"I'll kill him." I didn't recognize the voice. It was low and guttural and it came from me.

It was at that moment that Alex collapsed completely to the floor. His entire body shook with violent sobs. His breath came in great wheezes and his face turned pale except his cheeks seemed extra red as tears wet his flesh and his eyes quickly became bloodshot.

Trevon and I were instantly on the ground next to him. I cradled his head to my chest as Trevon patted his back.

Trevon said, "It's going to be okay, Aley. We're going to take care of this. Nothing is going to happen."

It was at this moment that Mrs. Harris came back into the room. She rushed over to us and bent low over Alex when she saw the state he was in.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

But how could any of us answer that?

"You'd better take him home," she said when none of us answered.

I nodded and Trevon helped me stand Alex on his feet.

"Stop crying now," Trevon said. "Don't let the other students see you like this. You can cry when we get you home."

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