Chapter 67

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Chet Watakeekul

"Is Vincent working tonight?" my dad asked.

"Yes," I said over the phone. I got off the bus and walked the short distance to the shopping center.

"You can come to the house and crash Kannika's girl's night with her friends if you want," my dad graciously offered.

"No thank you," I said. "What are you and mom going to do?"

"I made reservations at that Italian restaurant downtown. And I may have reserved a nice hotel room."

"Dad, don't tell me that."

"What? It's Valentine's Day. Of course your mother and I should have sex and we can't do that here where Kannika and all her friends are."

"Dad!" Some people I walked by gave me weird looks but I didn't care.

"You're an adult now, Chet. I think you're old enough that your mom and I don't have to pretend you were conceived in any way other than sex. You're living with your boyfriend now. You know what's up."

I rolled my eyes as I passed a jewelry store. "Fine, dad," I said just so he would stop talking about it. "Have fun with mom tonight."

"Oh, we will."

I paused and looked at the expensive men's watch in the jewelry store window. I wished I could afford that as a gift for Valentine's Day.

"So you and Vincent aren't going to do anything for Valentine's?" my dad asked.

"I'm going to go to the cafe to eat with him while he's on his lunch break, but that won't be until about nine tonight."

"He doesn't think I'm still mad at him does he? Because I'm over the shower thing."

I really wanted to give Vincent that watch. Or maybe a ring would be more appropriate, but I couldn't afford either. It wouldn't hurt to just go in and look.

"I haven't asked him," I said. "I'll tell him you're not angry with him though."

"Are you getting him something for Valentine's Day? Do you need some money?"

I smiled. "No. We decided to buy more kitchenware for Valentine's Day. I'm supposed to go check out dishes, but take pictures and send them to Vincent before I purchase anything."

"Okay. Love you, Chet."

"Love you too, dad." I hung up and went inside the jewelry store.

"Good afternoon, sir," the man behind the counter said. "Looking for a special Valentine's Day gift?"

"I'm just browsing to get ideas for the future. Is that alright?" It was probably a busy day for them. I might be taking up too much of their time when I wasn't going to purchase anything.

"Of course," the man said pleasantly. "Is there something specific you had in mind?"

"Can I look at some rings? Not wedding rings or anything, just something nice."

"Yes, of course. This section is popular right now." He pulled a display of rings out from the glass display case and set it on top. The rings were all small and dainty and I realized my mistake.

"It's actually for my boyfriend," I said.

"Oh," the man said and put the rings back in the display. "I'm sorry for my assumption, sir." He walked a little further down the display case and pulled out another set of rings. "Do you know what he prefers? Silver? Gold? Platinum?"

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