Chapter 15

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Vincent Kinsington

I sat at the little table in my apartment that was by the front door and near the small kitchen. My laptop was open in front of me and I scrolled through Mateo's social media.

It had been a few weeks since Alex had gone to Mateo's family dinner. They obviously hadn't broken up so I had tried something different. I had made a fake social media account and made negative comments on Mateo's social media hoping he would reveal himself a coward and break up with Alex. But that hadn't happened. In fact, I wished I hadn't done it in the first place as it had emboldened others to do the same and it wasn't only Mateo's social media that was being attacked, but Alex's too. As soon as I had seen that happening, I had stopped my fake comments completely, but it hadn't stopped other trolls from keeping the comments going.

I had never wanted Alex to be targeted. Alex and Mateo had more people defend them than not and soon the mean comments almost stopped completely. One guy was stupid enough to use his own name when he attacked Mateo's social media and he was still getting hate for it.

There was a light knock on my apartment door. I closed all the accounts and went to open the door. Alex stood on the other side. He stepped inside and headed straight to the bedroom. I closed the door and followed him.

He already had the t.v. on and was turning on a gaming console.

"Don't you have a date or something?" I asked.

"No," he said as he sat on the couch with a controller in hand. I sat next to him and took the other controller. We played for at least a half hour, before Alex started a conversation about something other than the game.

"What time is your family dinner?" he asked me. He killed me in the game. Why was he so good at first person shooter games when he hated real life violence?

I put down the controller and picked up my phone to see the time. "I should leave in about an hour," I said. "Want to come with me?"

He snorted. "No. If I never go to another family dinner of yours, it will be too soon."

"I wish I didn't have to go," I said.

Alex shot someone else in the game. "So don't. Stay here and we can kill people."

"You have to leave when I do," I said. "I don't trust you in my apartment alone anymore."

"Since when?"

"Since you told me you wanted to borrow my apartment to have sex with your boyfriend."

"It's been weeks since then," he said. "I'm not going to do anything in your apartment. Don't worry. He's out of town anyway."

"Another away game?" I asked as my character spawned back to life.

"Yes," Alex sighed as he killed another character. "They've had a lot of away games lately."

That would explain why I hadn't seen Chet around. I wasn't looking for him. I was glad I hadn't seen him. He was annoying and I hated him. I only noticed bus stops now to make sure he wasn't at one of them.

"Thank you by the way," Alex said.

"For what?"

"For joking with me when I first mentioned borrowing your apartment instead of reminding me of my experience with Jason. You could have tried to dissuade me from continuing further in my relationship with Mateo."

I died again in game.

"Thank you also for not doing anything else to break up me and Mateo."

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