Chapter 57

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A/N: Chet's desk except imagine it with soccer trophies and memorabilia and not as neat looking.  There should also be a door directly to the left that leads to the closet.

Chet Watakeekul

"Excellent job," Professor Smith said as he handed me my graded assignment. There was a big A written in red at the top of the paper.

It always felt great to get good grades, but especially when it was for my sports management class. I noticed he didn't tell anyone else 'excellent job' as he passed back the papers. He probably would have given me an A+ if that had been a possible grade to receive.

The professor left when he was done and the rest of us gathered our things and shuffled out of the room. Robert stopped me in the hall. I didn't think very highly of him. He was on the soccer team with me and Mateo, but he was one of the ones who whispered mean things behind our backs. I hadn't realized he was studying sports management as well. He hadn't been in my class during the fall semester and neither had the football player at his side. Robert was on the defensive line so I didn't really have to interact with him much in soccer. He was a junior so I was going to have to see him around for one more year.

I didn't speak to him or greet him. I waited for him to speak first.

He looked around to make sure no one was in hearing distance of us before he spoke. "You should leave the team. You and Mateo."

"I'm not going to do that," I said.

"You're being selfish," he said. "Everyone is uncomfortable with gay people in the locker room."

"No one is uncomfortable with me and Mateo except for you and your small group. You are not the majority and you can't force us off the team. They need me. It's why they gave me a full scholarship. You don't have a full scholarship do you?" He squirmed, but I already knew the answer to that. There weren't many of us on the soccer team with a full scholarship and I knew exactly who the others were. "If you're so uncomfortable with it, you can leave the team, but if the reason you are uncomfortable is because you think Mateo and I are secretly checking you out in the locker room, I can promise you that you don't have anything to hold our interest."

He did not like that. His face contorted with his anger while the football player beside him tried to hold in his laughter.

"Selfish fag," he said.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. He wasn't worth it.

"You and your boyfriend are disgusting. You're all going to hell. And when you get there, I hope you both burn and are raped..."

Boiling rage filled my entire being. I moved before I realized what I was doing. In a moment, I had him pinned against the wall with my forearm up against his throat. It wasn't enough to choke him, just enough to apply pressure. His football friend tried to pull me off him, but I pushed the much bigger man off me and then continued to put pressure on Robert's throat.

"I don't care what you say about me," I said, "but if you say anything like that again about my boyfriend or my friends I will make sure you are not on the team. You are not irreplaceable." He wasn't even a starter on the defensive line. I was sure if I talked with the coaches and explained that Robert was willfully stirring up trouble, they would kick him off the team or at the very least reprimand him. Not to mention the other players would not be on his side.

I pushed him into the wall one last time for emphasis and then left him and the football player.

There was snow on the ground, but the soccer team had planned to get together on the indoor track after school. I had no desire to play soccer today. I just wanted to see Vincent. I sent him a text.

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