Chapter 43

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Chet Watakeekul

I sat in the passenger seat of Vincent's car. We drove along a windy street that must have been beautiful when the leaves were still changing. As it was now, most of the leaves had fallen to the ground. There were green pine trees too. They would provide some permanent color in the winter. I loved the smell of pine trees.

"That's Alex's house," Vincent said as he pointed up ahead to a large, modern looking mansion that was mostly windows. The yard was perfectly landscaped. It was quiet and beautiful.

"I didn't realize he lived so close to you," I said.

"This is Trevon's house," he said as we continued up along the windy road. Trevon's house was even bigger and more traditional looking. There was a little stream that ran through his yard.

We continued along the road and went higher in elevation. We passed a few more mansions that all looked picture perfect. The last house on the road was the biggest yet. He pulled into the six car garage and pulled into the last space. There was only one other car in the garage. A red convertible.

"Whose car is that?" I asked.

"My grandma's," he said. "She should be the only one here until late tonight. She said she turned off the security cameras so my dad and mom won't be able to find out that we came here. Unless Priscilla or Theresa were to tell on us, but I'm confident they won't."

"Why are you so confident?"

"They are a couple themselves. They've been together over 20 years. They'll support me."

I put my hand on the door handle, but didn't open it yet. Vincent took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as his hands gripped his steering wheel.

"Are you always like this when you come home?" I asked.

"I'm usually worse," he said. He smiled at me. "I'm okay. Let's go." He opened the door so I followed him. We exited his garage and walked on the sidewalk beside the circular driveway. His house was beautiful. The biggest house I had ever seen live. The sun was beginning to set and it cast a beautiful reddish tint to his house and perfect yard. The fresh smell of the pines and other vegetation hit my senses. It was peaceful.

He took my hand as we walked up the wide steps side by side. There was a slight strain in his jaw and his hand grabbed mine tightly, desperately. He was nervous even though we were only meeting his grandma.

As soon as we stepped inside and shut the door, an old woman with beautiful white hair and a yellow dress came out to greet us. She completely ignored Vincent as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly surprisingly strong for someone who looked so frail.

"I'm so glad you are here," she said to me. And she kissed me on the cheek. I hadn't expected to feel so welcomed. I loved her.

"What about me grandma?" Vincent asked.

She released me to hug Vincent. "Of course I'm glad you are here too," she said.

Two women peeked out at us from the dining room. They smiled kindly at me and then retreated hand in hand.

"Come on," Grandma Kinsington said. She squeezed her way in between me and Vincent and took each of our hands in hers. "We're eating out back tonight."

The exterior of Vincent's house was huge and the inside seemed even more so. Everything was perfect. The decor was exactly what the house needed. There was a large, sparkly chandelier hovering over the grand staircase. I was afraid I would accidentally bump into one of these fancy looking vases that probably cost a fortune. Each painting on the wall was hand painted and framed in beautiful wooden frames.

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