Chapter 30

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I followed Alex to his car directly after General Chemistry. There was a manila folder on the passenger seat. I picked it up and set it on my lap.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I've been collecting my phone records ever since Jason started blackmailing me," Alex said. "I want to have the evidence ready to make it easier for the police."

"That's a good idea," I said.

Alex pulled out of the parking lot and drove through the streets. He was unusually quiet and his face was serious.

"It's going to be alright," I said. I wasn't sure I believed that, but I wanted him to believe it. I reached across the seat and squeezed his thigh. He smiled at me. It was strained, but still a smile. His hand clasped onto mine.

We pulled into the police parking lot. He let go of my hand and I started to open the door to get out, but he hesitated.

"Do you want to do this another day?" I asked.

"No," Alex said. He opened the door and got out quickly. I walked beside him as we crossed the parking lot and entered the main door.

"What can we do for you?" the female officer behind the front desk asked.

"Someone is blackmailing me," Alex said. "I would like to report it."

She nodded. "Have a seat for a moment and I'll get someone to come take your statement."

We waited about five minutes before a male officer came out to greet us. We stood up. "You want to report blackmail?" he asked us even though we were the only ones waiting. Alex nodded his head. "Come on back," he said. He led the way through a secured door. Beyond it was an open room with several desks. Some were empty. Some had uniformed officers sitting at them. They all seemed busy. There was a general hum as officers spoke on the phone or with each other or civilians who were assumedly reporting crimes like we were.

As we walked he said, "I'm Officer Hunt. Detective Garcia is going to handle your case. He is currently on his way back to the station so I'll go ahead and take your statement and he'll join us if he gets back in time."

The officer rounded his desk and indicated with his hand for us to sit in the two seats in front of his desk.

As we sat, he typed something in his computer before turning back to us. "Which one of you is being blackmailed? Or are you both being blackmailed?"

"I am," Alex said. He clasped his hands together tightly in his lap. I almost reached over to take his hand, but I wasn't sure if he wanted me to or if it would be appropriate in this setting so I didn't.

"What is your full name?" the officer asked.

"Alex Wyvern Lundquist, but my last name used to be Madsen. I changed it to my mom's maiden name when my parents got divorced."

"Your middle name is Wyvern?" the officer asked with a smile I couldn't discern. He typed the information into the computer.

Alex nodded.

"That's awesome," the officer said. He took the rest of Alex's information and then glanced at me. "And what is your relation to all this?" he asked me.

"I'm here to support him," I said.

"He's my boyfriend," Alex said without any hesitation.

The officer's expression didn't change at all as if this revelation was no big deal, a common day occurrence that shouldn't warrant any reaction.

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