I Can't Write a Poem!

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I Can't Write a Poem!

I can't write a poem!

I know, I can't rhyme!

When I try for good meter,

I fail every time.

For some, it comes naturally.

But I'm still sitting here

Trying to write something

That will seem clear.

Poems, for me,

Are like common sense.

Because I have none,

And will most likely hit a fence.

Rhymes annoy me,

Just like the word, "Poke",

So when I start writing poetry,

My plans go up in smoke.

Punctuation is difficult,

It won't give me a rest.

Same with those silverfish,

Through all I've confessed.

By now, you should know.

If you don't, you're not bright.

That I can't write a poem,

I give up now, good night!

(I wrote this when I was going to bed. Heehee the last line makes sense. And that whole poem was irony, if you didn't notice.)

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