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I don't express my feelings to friends.

They simmer and boil, rising to my breaking point

Where I can take it no more.

My head begins to spin,

My mind like a complex puzzle:

Difficult to decipher, but if solved,

Easy to read.

I wallow in my emotions,

Alone in my head,

Dwelling on topics left untouched

By those too insensitive to discuss.

There no one who can read me.

No one who will speak of depth, of heartfelt emotion.

Tick tock, goes my mind.

Ticking like a time bomb

Ready to explode.

Tick tock.

I can take it no more.

I am a match, and with one catalyst, the fire will blaze.

One catalyst.


The bomb has erupted.

The flames are surging.

And since no one will listen,

Everyone too busy, speaking of themselves,

The paper is my audience.

My therapist.

I pick up the pen, and as my words flow across the page,

The emotion dissipates like fog.

But it never leaves.

Because its always there,

Waiting to break me again.

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