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They say no two snowflakes are alike,

White powder whirling to the ground.

They say no fingerprints are the same,

Contours swirling round and round.

Maybe I'm just like a snowflake,

By myself, I'll float and fly

Everyone these days is so generic

We don't see eye to eye.

Fake, duplicated personalities

Found in every place

So phony, not complex

With every powdered face.

Hiding behind thick eyelashes

Or perfectly flattened hair

All my comrade possibilities

Seem too shallow to care.

First world problems plague their minds

Like "What should I wear today?"

Crushes, silly drama

Are all they have to say.

Why can't there be more people

Who are interesting and kind?

Is there someone out there

With more than nothingness on their mind?

Some people think that we're best friends

But for that, I have one demand:

All I ever wanted

Was someone to understand.

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