Where I'm From

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*This was my Language Arts homework. Lol.*

Where I'm From

I’m from Sunday football games

And the outlandish Eagles-Giants rivalry

Accompanied by “Donna’s famous meatballs”

That make me go ravenous with hunger.

I’m from food-filled parties in the basement

During blinding snowstorms and hurricanes

And the neighborhood kids

Congregating in the cul-de-sac, playing all day.

I’m from weeks in the timeless Outer Banks,

Cramped in a house of twenty-one,

Sharing bunk beds and acting like family

But having the time of our lives.

I’m from harsh Minnesota winters

And silly Un-Birthday parties

From moments frozen in time, hung on the walls,

Smiling faces staring back at me.

I’m from dented garage doors

And beat-up field hockey sticks,

Candy cane cakes and delectable poppyseed bread

That arrives in the mail on my birthday.

I’m from dressing up as Hogwarts students

And rocking on our heels, waiting for Harry Potter premieres

Sweeping, velvety black robes heavy in the July heat

But it all paid off when we clutched new books to our chests.

I’m from backyard barbeques

And running barefoot on warm, comfortable nights,

The grass dewy, cool to the touch

And capturing brilliant, flashing fireflies.

I’m from annual Christmas Eve Nativity plays

From piano riffs and guitar sing-alongs

And admiring Donna’s sense of humor, character, too,

And cracking up, once more.

I’m from visiting “Mommo’s hotel”,

Spending nose-nipping winters at Aunt Joan’s

Full of musty books, National Geographics,

And cousins, young and old.

I’m from “Tag! You’re it!”

Running home like kids, feet pounding on pavement

The adults were involved, sprinting after us,

And we were laughing again.

I’m from scorching summers in Avalon,

Competitive games of pool volleyball,

Getting yelled at by lifeguards for seaweed fights

And spending time with our lively guests.

I’m from good times and mirth to last,

Memories that will endure forever.

I’m from finding a second family in friends

And would anything break us?


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