Seasons Change poem

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The wind was howling,

The leaves were blowing.

I zip up my coat,

My hands never showing.

I jump out of my way

On a crunchy looking leaf.

The brisk breath blows again

And I chatter my teeth.

As I run into my house,

The warmth's a good feeling.

'Cause after the outdoors,

The heat's quite appealing.

Before you know it, it's winter

And I'm walking around

As the powdery white flakes

Dance 'till hitting the ground.

The falling flurries of snow

Rest on my nose

And the whipping winter wind

Sends chills up my toes.

The children are bundled

In puffy jackets so warm

They keep them all toasty

As they play in the storm.

Soon, the rain pours down

Like tears from the sky

But after it passes,

Chirping birds soar by.

The garden starts to sprout

Green leaves and pretty flowers

And the kids playing outside

Increase by the hour.

The sun's rays are shining

And we're out of school,

But swimming and ice cream

Make summer more cool.

The children, like me

All dread for education

So we all have fun

It's a school-free celebration.

But now the air's harsher,

Melancholy kids board the bus

For it's already September

And we're making a fuss.

We're back in school now,

The seasons went fast.

Next time summer comes,

We'll make it last!

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