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Inspired by one of my all time favorite quotes by Dumbles, the Swag master. It's the last sentence of the poem. :)

The bright sunlight shimmers through

The glassy windowpanes

The teenage girl groans and rubs her eyes

Thoughts slowly pulsing to her brain.

She wonders why she has to awaken

Why she must be so rudely disturbed

She squints at the radiant beams of gold light

"I'll get up in five more minutes," she assures.

All the girl wants is to go back to sleep

To lands of the dreams that she wills to come true

She wants to escape the reality of life

And just for a moment, take in a perfect sky of blue.

Her hopes and desires that start in the heart

Her wishes and dreams that always remain

Create a picture of a beautiful utopia

With no harsh reality to face, with no pain.

Everything she ever wanted,

Anything she dreams of

Appears in this foreign land

Along with, perhaps, her ideal love.

But has she ever reflected upon

The beauty of existing?

The imperfections that make things real

Yet she won't believe. Why would she be resisting?

All she wants to do is to look at her dreams

Her perfect little fantasy

Will she ever realize

That perfection isn't beauty?

Her life will teach her a lot more than her wishes

The lessons she'll learn will teach more than it seems

She can do what she wants to with her life.

Instead of sitting around, dwelling on dreams.

Remember, do not waste the time in your life.

There's one last piece of advice I must give:

"It does not do to dwell on dreams

And forget to live."

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