Chapter 30 - Aiden's POV

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"The pack wasn't happy and had faith I would change my mind, but I didn't think I would. I trusted him with my life... A mistake, I came to realize."

I was burning in anger thinking about what my friend had done. I gotta calm down, or else I won't be able to tell Kitten the rest of the story.

I have to stop putting it off and just tell her the worst of it.

"I think that's enough background story, now you know how I met Richard, Will and Jack, it's time to tell you why are thing the way they are now."

Without words she shows me that she's here for me and I'm thankful for that, I need all the willpower I can get, to revive those days.

"I was fourteen and left the house in the middle of the night, without telling anyone, I had to go meet someone. My best friend."


"No. There was this boy back then, he wasn't from my pack and our packs weren't allies, we met by chance and became friends. Over the years I met him many times in secrecy, he told me about his life, and I vented about mine. He was the best because with him I wasn't a soon to be Alpha, I was just me."

"That seems nice." She smiles and I know she understands teen me.

"It was great, but this time it wasn't the same. I was going to meet him to say goodbye, he was leaving. I promised him, that night, I would be an Alpha by the time he came back. I guess I failed.

After saying goodbye to him I went home. My father told me multiple times not to walk around alone in the woods, but you know how boys are, they always think they are tough and brave. I shouldn't have left the house that night..."

I pause and for a time I think that I won't be able to continue, my breath becomes irregular as I think about what happen that freaking night.

For Fuck's sake, Aiden! Just fucking tell her. She has to know and the more you stall the more painful it will be for you.

I don't argue with Blaze, he's right.

"I walk to my house slowly fearing my father noticed my absence. If so, I was so screwed, so I was in no hurry to get home. I should have run."

----*---- (Flashback)

I'm almost home, the end of the forest is already in sight, after that I'll be in my backyard.

As I think about the world of trouble, I'm definitely in, I'm too distracted.


Blaze? What's wrong?!

Don't you hear this?

I'm immediately alert, and then I hear it, screams. I can't tell if they are screams of pain, fear or sadness, all of them mingles into one and I ran, the fastest I can toward my house. What the hell is going on?!

I break through the tree line and stop on my tracks, my house is engulfed in flames, red and orange take over my line of sight and my adrenaline kicks in.

A lot of people are in the backyard watching my life turn into ashes. They all try to stop me from running into my house, but no way will I sit and do nothing.

The moment I pass the frame of what used to be my backdoor I lose the ability to breathe, the smoke is just too much, but I can't give up.

I pray that my father woke up with the smoke or the screams and lead my mother and sister to safety, but I'm not leaving this house until I see every division of it.

All my hopes go down the drain when I cross the kitchen and enter my living room.

At first sight, I don't see anything worthy of attention, besides the fire that consumes everything and the smoke that burns my eyes and lungs. It's only when I go around the sofa that I freeze.

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