Chapter 23

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I'm walking thru the familiar woods. It feels like home, but I don't recognize this forest. I don't think I've ever been here. Everything is quiet, not even birds are singing but it doesn't feel eerie, it's peaceful.

After walking what feels to be forever, I realize I'm not tired at all. That can't be right...exercise and I, do not mix, even though I'm a wolf and should be athletic. So this must be a dream.

All my life I've always been aware of my dreams, not that I can control what happens in them, I'm just a spectator.

I hear a really loud scream coming from somewhere on the forest, such a desperate sound. Who is in so much pain?

I follow the sound and before I know it, I am running. Then I see it, at a distance, flames and darkness. The scream is getting louder, but I can't go any closer, I want to help whoever it is that is suffering but what can I do? The darkness is like a barrier saying, 'You don't belong here'.

Then, it stopped. What happened?? Why did it get so cold out of nowhere?

Jeez...I'm freezing. It's so icy I can't even stand anymore, my legs won't support my weight.

I lay down and close my eyes, unable to move. Will I die in this place? My thought echoed as if I am not the only one thinking this.


I wake up before my alarm, the meaning of this day, slowly weighting me down.

I feel weird, I have a feeling that I dreamt something important, but I can't remember what. All I sense is emptiness, I thought that on this day I would feel different, but I feel numb, even though I'm worried. Not for me though, I sense that I have something left to do.

Suddenly I remember my dream, and the feeling that I could have done something, to help, and I didn't, and that someone was in pain because of that.

It's ridiculous that a dream could put extra pressure on an already stressful day but thinking about that scream makes me feel sadder than ever before. It sounded so hurt and desperate.

"Katherine, darling?" I hear my mom before she enters my room.

"I'm up."

"The sun is rising, time to get ready." I know my mom is as stressed as I am but trying to pass a strong vibe.

"Yeah...I'm going."

After all the preparations required, I leave my room. My parents and Rose are waiting in the living room talking in low voices, they stop when I get there.

"Ohhhh look beautiful!" My mom hugs me with tears in her eyes. Personally, I don't like the way I look. With my long hair and a long white dress I feel like a ghost. Maybe, I'm exaggerating... the dress is beautiful, sophisticated and all of that, but it just doesn't feel like me, it makes me look pale, but at least is comfortable, the hair tough, has beautiful accessories on it, but it feels so stiff.

"Thanks, mom." My dad approached us to hug me after my mother.

"I'm proud of you sweetheart, no matter what." He kisses my forehead and I try not to get emotional. This is a big day for everyone on this pack and I don't want to disappoint them.

"I know, dad. I think it's time I go now." I walk towards the back entrance of the house.

"Good luck, Kat! You got this! Fighting!" I nod thanking her.

"Bye, see you guys later!"

With this the door closes behind me and I start my journey.

No one knows exactly what to do on this ceremony, we have a vague idea, of course, but it is different in each generation. The only thing I have prepared is a dance to worship the Goddess, as tradition and respect demands. And of course I do have a few questions in my mind in case I do see Her.

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