Chapter 27

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I'm panicking. I can't breathe. I'm definitely in the midst of a full-on panic attack. All I hear are my sobs and pleas for Aiden to wake up and he doesn't. Soon enough black spots begin to appear in my vision due to lack of oxygen in my brain and exhaustion.

I don't even notice Adam moved until he grabs my shoulders and shocks me. I can hear him say I need to calm down but how can I when Aiden is lying there!?

The black spots I see are quickly spreading and all I hear now are muffled voices.

"CC, she's going to pass out."

"Are you freaking kidding me?!"

Chris appears in my small line-sight, "Kat! Pull it together! Don't you dare-"

I can't hear any longer because I'm engulfed by darkness as I fall into oblivious.


I'm in the woods again. Why do I have so many dreams in the woods? Is it my wolf side kicking in?

Now that I think about it, I never hear Lua in my dreams, not that I heard her at all, lately.

I'm lost in thoughts and before I know it's nighttime, it's very dark and cold, a lot like my last dream in this forest.

My instincts became alert after hearing a rustling noise. I look around not seeing anything nor anyone.

I get closer to the sound and stop abruptly since I was about to step on a person. There is someone on the ground shaking and moving slightly. They seem to be asleep. I kneel besides the person and only then do I realize that it is a boy curled up on the floor.

I shake him, until he awakes from his restless sleep.

He sees me and immediately shrinks in fear.

"It's ok! I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Katherine, what about you?" My hands up in a peace sign.

He just shakes his head signaling me that he won't tell me his name.

"Alright...what are you doing here by yourself?"

"I'm alone." He looks close to tears now.

Why is this child here alone?

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't have anyone, anymore." He's quietly sobbing now, I try to comfort him without pressuring him, since he obviously doesn't trust easily.

"You have me, if you want."

"'ll help me?"

I smile at him getting on my feet and extending my hand toward him.

"Of course. I always wanted a little brother." I know this is a dream, but I can't leave him here alone in the forest.

He sniffs but holds my hand. I know he's trying to be strong, but I can feel his loneliness as if it is my own. We start walking with no particular destiny in mind.

Weirdly, I feel a strange connection with this kid, a strong sense of protectiveness.

"What should I call you? My friends call me Kat."

"Like the animal?" Kitten... I remember Aiden's pet name for me, and I want to hear him say it, desperately. But Aiden is somewhere I can't reach.

" the animal." Thinking of Aiden brought my mood down quickly.

"Are we friends?" He almost smiles at the possibility.

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