Chapter 1

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'Goddess please no!' is my first thought when my alarm goes off. I really ain't a morning person. Nonetheless, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I thought of those people who say that taking a shower relaxes all your muscles, all bullsh*t.

Done with the shower I hurry getting dress, the first hoodie that pops up should do it, a dark blue hoodie with the words "Do No Harm But Take No Shit", perfect motto for my first day back at school after summer break, next, black jeggings and dark blue sneakers. I am such a colorful person...

I brush my hair the best I can, although it is difficult because it is really tangled but I do it in record time because I'm starting to get late, I'm so tired I contemplate staying home and missing my classes, something I know I won't do.

Thinking about why I am so tired I got lost in thoughts, the reason being the party I went yesterday with Richard, being the popular guy he is kind of force to go to all this parties, not that I mind, spend time with him. To some people there, he is Rick or Ricky, to me he is my mate, and to his pack he is the Alpha. 

That train of thought made me think about his father dying when he was way too young, that force him to step up and become alpha to his pack. I wish I knew him back then, maybe I could've helped.

But he did well by himself, after all he is the Alpha of the Invisible Moon Pack at the age of 23, and I am only an Alpha's daughter. Yes, my pack is an important one, being the Artemis' Moon Pack, a pack chosen by the Moon Goddess, Artemis herself, blah blah blah, but I always feel like he is in another league, sometimes I don't even believe how lucky I am to have him.

I really should hurry, Richard must be arriving anytime soon, and I haven't had my breakfast yet!

I run downstairs and go straight to the kitchen where my mom and dad are eating. It's interesting that my dad isn't even supposed to be Alpha, after all only females can be Alphas of our pack. 

My father is the first male Alpha in centuries, because my grandmother died without any other children and because my father had already found my mother, and she was strong, being a Beta's daughter. The pack agreed with him being the Alpha, my father is a great Alpha, I wish one day I came measure up.

"Katie? Are you alright?" My mom's voice took me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, fine, just running late, as usual."

My parents laugh at that, because they know is true, I'm always late.

"Late as you are, you're still earlier than your sister" What? Rosalind is never late.

"Well I'm off, Rick should be outside already." As I grab a toast and walk towards the door, they exchange a look.

My parents try to be supportive but never ask Rick to come into the house, and I get the feeling they don't adore him, even though they don't hate him either. I don't understand... Rick and I are going to be the strongest couple yet, what is not to like? 

Even if he was a common wolf I would still like him, that is what being a mate means after all, unconditional love. "Have a nice day sweetheart!"

I really hope my senior year is somewhat exciting, life at college is always so normal, one would think in an university with so many wolves some drama would occur, but no. Boring.

Be careful what you wish for...


Nothing. My wolf replies to my thought.

It didn't sound like Lua, but she does not seem disturbed.

Lua is just the perfect wolf for me, she is funny, sarcastic, dramatic, and always supports me and gives me advice. Her pep talks are the best, besides, she is absolutely gorgeous, big for a female wolf but as she is the soon-to-be Alpha that is not strange at all, her fur is fantastic, she is a silver wolf, that means her fur is a mix of white and grey, and her eyes are an unearthly blue. 

An Artemis' Mistake?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz