Chapter 4

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I am silent as I pass the door leading to my spot, the girls call it Katcave, even though they don't know exactly where it is only that it exists. Truthfully, that's more than the rest of the world, not even Richard knows this place, its private and peaceful. Away from the stares and all the people.

Following my entry on the room I immediately relax, a sense of tranquility surrounds me.

This special place is a study room/library and only I know its location, it's my sanctuary.

I will spend my lunch hour here, since I don't want to take the chance of finding that guy, not without knowing how to act around him, or what to do.

Sitting close to the window I lose myself in thoughts.


Artemis observes the young she-wolf, she can read the distress and confusion in her features. If only she could help. She knows the answer, the information that would appease her, but is unable to communicate with her.

The legend of the girl's pack says that if a worthy she-wolf would emerge, she would be able, on her 21st birthday, to communicate with the Goddess, unfortunately it isn't that simple. It never is.

To prove worthy she will be tested beyond imagination, but Artemis never thought the trial would be this one, such an impossible task for such a young girl.

Ironically, the Goddess will only be able to talk with the she-wolf after the test, so she won't be able to help. Fate works in mysterious ways, the cascade of events that led to this problem was unforeseeable for everyone except the Goddess, since she had a glimpse of the future when she bounded Katherine's ancestral to herself, but not even the Goddess can predicte what happens next, is all up to the her children and she can't interfere with their free will, not even to save them.

Katherine has a hard task ahead. Her choice will determine everything, it will change more than she realizes.

Artemis feels the pain of her children, and it hurts her that she can't do much.

Darkness has approached young Katherine and only she can do something about it.

The Goddess only hoped that the girl would choose wisely, for if not, a lot of pain will soon follow.

She could sense the turmoil in her soul as she prays for guidance, but the goddess' hands are tide.

There are more wrong answers than right ones, for this quest requires wisdom, faith, courage and sacrifice. The wrong answer is the wrong answer, no answer is the wrong answer, losing faith in the Goddess is the wrong answer, the odds are against the young woman.

Artemis wishes she could warn her, she can't believe everything, for false signs could be presented, no one else could stand a chance against this dilemma, but she trusts Katherine.

But will Katherine continue to trust her?

With all her will power the Goddess reaches for the tiny thread which links the two women, so that she could surpass the barriers and send a simple message, all she could do for now.

"Have Faith".


"Have Faith"

I jolt awake from my thoughts and realize I spaced out, now my time is up, and I still have no clue as to why am I in this situation. I hope that on my 21st birthday the Goddess does indeed speak to me because I have a lot of questions!

An Artemis' Mistake?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora