Chapter 15

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"When we met, you said we were..."


"How do you know about that?"

"I don't."


"When I first saw you, I felt some things, and Blaze started yelling in my head. He was yelling that name. It caught me off guard, since he doesn't talk much."

"You don't know what it means?"

"I know the general idea. Blaze wasn't very patient explaining it, mainly because he was so pissed, so he basically just said 'she's ours'."

"I see. Mates are very special people, they are a present from the Goddess, and each wolf gets one."

"So she gifts people, to people?"

I smile at his comment.

"As a human you must know the term 'soulmate'?"

"Of course."

"For werewolves, soulmates are real."

"Are you trying to tell me that a mythical person who was created just for you, exists."

"Yes. A mate is the other half of your soul, it makes you complete, stronger."

"So that's why Blaze was so upset when you said that you already had a mate."


"But if you only get one, and you have that Dick guy-"

"Rick* his name is Rick, but yes he's my mate."

"Yes, as I said, Dick. If he is your mate and these past few weeks, I don't really feel anything towards you, does that mean Blaze was wrong?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?"

"It's practically impossible for wolves to mistake someone as their mate. Mates are too important."

"You said so yourself, the Dick guy is your mate."

"Can you please stop calling him 'Dick'?"

"Not the main focus at the moment."

"Fine. Yes, Rick is my mate but-"

"But what?"

"I don't think Blaze made a mistake, I think the Goddess did."

"Are you seriously blaming it on God?"


"Whatever, why can't it be Blaze's mistake, it is more plausible."

"Because!" I need to calm down, I need to think how to explain this to him.

Just tell him the truth! You can't seriously still doubt him.

How much should I tell him?

Everything, or else he'll be confused.

You can't possibly mean...

Yes, tell him.


Kat! He has to know.

"Because isn't really an answer."

"Fine.", I sigh, "Blaze can't be wrong because I felt the same pull, and so did Lua, there's no way we all just made that up."

"But I don't feel that right now."

Of course, he doesn't. Goddess, how do I explain this.

"On my 21th birthday is going to take place a ceremony."

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