Chapter 25

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"It sounds like you know your answer."


"And what is it? Who deserves your love the most, Katherine?"

Because I love him...I can't choose him.

I should be scared to give my answer but I'm extremely calm, I'm sure of what I want, and I have Aiden and my friends to thank for it.

Even though I'm confident, I still hesitate.

I look at Artemis and she smiles encouragingly at me.

"Who deserves your love the most? Richard...or is it, Aiden?"

"Neither." She smiles not surprised at all. "I choose...myself. I deserve my love the most. That was what my friends, Aiden and even you, have been trying to tell me, to have faith in myself, to love myself." Choosing him would go against everything he taught me, it would contradict the reason I love him, he pushes me to stand up for myself.

The Goddess nod calmly, "Indeed, insecurity kills all that is beautiful. Without self-love, one cannot grow and flourish into who is meant to be. You have to love yourself first and foremost because that is who you'll be spending the rest of your life with."

"I somehow always thought that the most important thing was to be loved by my other half, my mate. But when I suddenly got two halves completely opposite to one another I was lost."

"A mate isn't your half, you are a full self, and so is he, you should never compromise who you are so you can fit with him. Regular mates complement each other, not overshadow one another, furthermore, your lineage comes from Alpha Females, your mate will not complement you, he will be your equal, your partner."

"I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that."

"This is a lesson not many learn, not even in their entire lifetimes. You should feel proud that at such a young age you could understand this. Never doubt your worth."

"I spent so much time worrying how my actions affect other people, or how others saw me...I feel free now, free to be myself."

"The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn't matter how others see you. It all starts with you."

"Thank you, Artemis." I'm feeling emotional, all the stress and now the relief, I'm tired beyond belief.

The Goddess touches my cheek saying, "It was all you, Katherine, I am proud of you"

I smile at her and we keep in silence for a little longer. But I have to ask it...



"So...did I pass?" The Goddess looks shocked for a second and then, she laughs a beautiful laugh.

"Of course! I understand you have some other questions to ask me?" Her capacity to read me keeps astonishing me.

"Well... I think it's more a request than a question...Is about Ella."

"Your human friend."

"Yes, well she's also Aiden's cousin."

"You want to let her into our world." It was not a question, but I answer regardless.

"Yes, I really want your permission to do this."

"Do you understand the danger our world will bring her?"

"I understand."

"However, you still want to do it?"

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