Chapter 34

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"Our pack's link doesn't work. The fucker kicked us out of the pack."

"Richard is not stupid he probably fed the pack some lies to make them turn on you. I guess no peaceful solution then." My father sighs, he is a strong Alpha but unless there's no choice, he doesn't like wars.

"Honey, it's your call, the pack will follow." My mother looks at me and the trust shines in her eyes.

I look around the room and say, "We have to find him, I want people searching his territory, but I have a feeling he won't be there. Dad, call a pack meeting to explain the situation, please." He leaves followed by my mom. I look at Will and Jack, "Try your territory, if you find someone explain the truth to them or bring them to me, we have to minimize the casualties, and Richard's back up. Some might believe you, focus on older people, people who remember Aiden's parents." They also nod and leave. Only Rose, Chris, Adam, Aiden and me remain.

"Chris, Adam, I want each one of you to lead a search group. After my father's meeting, I want someone constantly looking, organize the schedules the best you can."

"Yes, Alpha." Adam winks at me and prepares to leave after Chris but I stop him, "What, Kitkat?"

"Take Aiden with you." They both look at me as I look at Aiden. "My pack doesn't know you and you don't know them, but I get that you want to be on the front lines. I won't stop you. If you go with Adam, you'll have back up that you trust."

He smiles at me, "You know me well. Thank you, Kitten." He kisses my forehead and says, "I love you." Before leaving after Adam.

"What about us, sis? I want to help the search too."

"We are going to get our own search party. Let's hunt that son of a bitch."

Easier said than done, it has been days since Ella went missing and we can't seem to find them. Every single person of my pack had our back after listening to the story, even without the gruesome details. We have been searching nonstop and even reached out to our allies, but so far no one saw him.

Will and Jack didn't have luck either, it's like the pack just vanished.

Rose is close to losing it and Aiden isn't much better. We have to find them. Now.

I asked the Goddess for help, but I guess this is one of those things she can't help with. To be honest being a Goddess sucks, she knows everything but can't do anything, she's stuck watching life like a movie.

We are all losing hope and I can't let that happen. That's when a miracle happens.

"Kat, we found a member of the pack, Peter." Jack walks into the office that I'm currently at.

"Where is he?"

"Right here." Will walks in accompanied by said pack member, Peter, he looks to be in his mid-forties and the look on his face is everything except welcoming.

"Tell her what you told us."

"The Alpha is waiting for you, he said it is taking you too long and he's bored." The creepy dude smiles.

"So you are a messenger."

"Yes. Tomorrow, at sundown in the clearing where he almost killed you and that filthy mutt, his words. He says he'll end the job." I nod.

"Did you tell him?" I direct my question towards the guys.

"No, but I don't think he'll believe us either way. Peter here was always one of the vicious, I think he loved Richard's rule."

"How delightful." This man disgusts me, who would love pain and suffering? "Take him to the cells then, I'll get the others, meet me here as soon as you can."

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