Chapter 24

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I know I said I was ready, but I don't think I am. I have no choice, I'll take it one step at the time, first I'll hear the test and then do the dance and then...who knows...

"Calm down, Katherine, I believe in you, you'll make the right choice."

"Thank you for that, I just wish that Artemis could tell me what to do."

"If the answer were just handed to you, then you would learn absolutely nothing with it."


"It's the search than makes someone grow, so you'll have to do this on your own, but that does not mean you're alone."

"Thank you..." I try not to think about how I have no clue want I'm doing, so that the Goddess won't read my mind, but I have a feeling she already knows.

"Ready for the question?"

"Yes..." I say with little confidence.

"I think you might suspect what the choice will be but I'll make the question anyway, just so we are clear."

"I understand."

"Who deserves your love the most?"

"I'm sorry?" I expected the question to be along these lines, but it still caught me by surprise.

"Who deserves your love the most?"


"You don't have to answer right now. Think about it while you show me your dance."

I prepare myself to dance, set the music "Never Enough - Loren Allred" and start, I hope that my body knows what to do because I'm way too preoccupied thinking about the test's question.

(A/N: You guys I will not write the dance per say as I think this would make the chapter extra freaking long, but so you have an idea the link in the comment of this paragraph leads you to a beautiful choreography that is pretty much what I had in mind, totally worth watching.)

My body moves on its own accords, as I dance, I let my mind wonder.

The answer could be 'my family' but I have a feeling it is not that easy. In that case I wouldn't have to deal with the two mates ordeal. It has to be something else...

I remember earlier this year, when I met Richard and felt as if I had found all that I was searching in one single person. We never argued or disagreed with each other. It was constant, predictable and I was happy.

That changed when I met Aiden. For a time all we did was argue or ignore each other. Even after we became friends, he confronted me all the time, questioned me and disagreed with me. Everyday there was a new thing for him to tease me with, I never knew what to expect from each day, it was annoying at first, but then became interesting and fun to have that friction. I started to wait eagerly for a new subject for us to discuss, even if it was Portuguese poetry.

I never stop dancing and my thoughts take me back to one of the work reunions with Aiden.


"No, Aiden, we are not choosing that poem..." We are in our Spot discussing which poem we should present in class.

"Why not, Kitten?"

"Well, for one is depressing!"

"It's one of my mom's favorites. I want to do it." He's acting like a child. And I don't believe the mom story for a second, I'm sure he has a hidden agenda.

"Look, just because you want to do it does not mean it's practical!"

He crosses his arms and pouts, I laugh slightly, who looks at Aiden can never picture him pouting like a child because he can't present a certain poem in class.

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