Chapter 17

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He passes by me and sits on his bed.

"There's always a wild side to an innocent face"

"I have no idea what you mean..."

"When did you learn to ride bikes?"

"I took a license at 16, my parents even gifted me a bike, but it got destroyed in an accident when I was 19. Since then my parents won't let me have a bike anymore."

His eyebrows raise at that information, "What happened?", I could tell he was a little worried, although his main emotion was curiosity.

"I thought I saw something on the road, it was nighttime, and I was tired, I ended up in pretty bad shape for a few months, but no sequels at least." I show him that I'm fine, and it could have been much worse, however I still miss riding my bike.


"Right? But I was a success in my biker period."

I'm still standing by the door, no idea where to go. Inspecting the room I see a chair near his bed, so I head there.

"I bet you were, girls in motorcycles are a different kind of hot and you weren't exactly lacking." I look up at him, and I see something in his eyes that I wasn't expecting, of course I get distracted.

The shock for his words and looks manifests in the worst possible way. I trip on the chair I was about to sit on, and I feel myself fall. This is going to hurt.

Before I knew it, I was laying in bed, half on top of him, he had pull be by the waist when I was about to fall to the ground and now, here I am, in a much more awkward situation.

My heart is racing, at least I think it's my heart. It could be his, I can't differentiate at the moment.

I raise my head so I can look at him. Why am I not moving!?

He's already looking at me so I try to raise my body but before I can go far, he grabs my waist with one of his hands. None of us says anything. His hand is so warm and gentle, I am conscious of every part of me that is touching him, and yet, I'm so distracted by his eyes, I swear I can see his soul.

In this place, is just the two of us and I can't seem to convince myself to move, not even sure if I could with his hand keeping me there, but I know him now, he would let me go if I indicated that's what I want.

Is it though?

A few moments pass and we're still not moving, if I were asked later, I would say we stayed like this for hours, just content in being close to one another but only maybe a minute passed.

I thought by now he would say some stupid thing with that annoying but attractive smirk of his, but his face is set in stone, probably because he is as shocked as me, shocked that we are in this position, and mostly shocked we don't want to let go.

A knock on the door startled us back to ourselves and in a spam of seconds I was by the window in the far corner of the room, while he was by the computer desk on the other side, as far from me as possible.

We don't look at each other even though a moment ago that was all we were doing. Another knock and the door slowly open.

"Aiden? Rose said Kat was here."

"Yes." His voice is steady, much steadier than mine would've been right now. I know I'll have to talk to Ella, so I try to calm down my heartbeat.

She looks around the rooms and finally sees me. If she thinks it's weird that Aiden and I are avoiding being near each other like one of us got the plague, she doesn't show. I should thank her for this, someday.

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