Chapter 9

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I left the Spot, hoping to get away from the turmoil but turns out, it's inside my head.

Thoughts keep twirling in my brain, questions to which I don't have answers for.

Lua, how is this possible?

If I knew, I would've told you. I'm quiet because I have no idea.

If you have nothing smart to say, say nothing at all, right?


My head is going to explode.

Is this that important?

What do you mean, Lua? Of course it is!

I know its important, but I can't help it that I care a lot more about the whole 'two mates' thing.

To be honest, so do I.

Let's just forget about this and maybe make an effort to know him better?


Meanwhile, I'm pacing the university's hall heading for the entrance, not prepared at all for what I see near the school's gates.

ROSE! What in the goddess name are you doing?!

I send her the thought, curse her if she chooses to ignore me.

Kat? What do you mean?

Why are you near that guy?

Because he's giving me a ride...?

Oh no he isn't!

Kat, what is the matter with you? Why are you yelling?

Rose, come back to the building now! I'll give you a ride.

She looks up at me from where she stands, and I can see in her eyes she's about to rebel, damn it, why do I have to be the big sister?!

ROSE, get off that motorcycle! NOW


She severs our connection and I can't use my alpha voice, since she is my sister, so I ran like a mad woman, trying to catch up to them before they leave the parking lot.

As I am about to get there he speeds off, but not before I see a smirk in his face as he leaves me behind.

Fuck you, Aiden! How dare you bring my sister into this.

Get to know him? You got to be kidding me! If I see him again, I will skin him! He better not hurt Rose, or he won't live to find his real mate.

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