Chapter 3

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Before starting, I wanted to say that my friend Camila helped with making a few decisions for this chapter, so I just wanted to say "thanks, ly! <3"

Before starting, I wanted to say that my friend Camila helped with making a few decisions for this chapter, so I just wanted to say "thanks, ly! <3"

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After girls' night on Saturday I spend Sunday just relaxing, reading a bit, and mentally preparing for the week. Can't say I was successful, it is Monday morning and here I am contemplating, again, if a degree is really necessary for my future. The answer is "yes" unfortunately.

I arrive at school alone, since Rosie had to be here earlier to meet some friends. As people start to notice me the whispers began. It's been like this every day of the past week. I figure it must be strange to see me without Rick. Not that we were joined at the hip, but we always drive to college together ever since we met. The female humans think we broke up and they have a chance, they have no idea that if they make a single move towards him, I will hurt them, badly.

There are a lot of rumors going around, it is kind of entertaining. Chris' favorite so far is that he just plain died. Not funny whatsoever, besides he comes to practice three times a week, who is dumb enough to invent that one is beyond me. Ella's favorite is that our relationship was a secret for my parents, they found out we have been dating and forbade it, and now we can't be seen together in public, like some version of Romeo and Juliet.

I don't feel bothered by this, these people's opinions don't matter to me, I don't know half of them, and most of them only care about me because of my relationship with Rick or my position in my pack.

The only reason I don't just stand out and tell them all to suck it, is Rick. These people are important to him, he cares about appearances, so I make an effort and try to be nice, or at least not a complete bitch, that is what I feel like being most of the times.

I get to the Science department, the farthest from the campus' entry, of course, and start to walk toward my locker hoping to find Chris and Ella, but when I arrive, they aren't there.

While I gather everything I need, I feel like something ultra-important is about to happen, I feel that pull, a wave of happiness and anticipation.

I wonder why is Richard here, he should be at work, and then I notice that something is not right, and I realize the smell that accompanies these feelings is not the incredibly sweet and truly enchanting scent of vanilla and Casablanca lilies. No, this scent reminds me of Christmas, a mixture of homemade cookies, a chocolate cake in the oven, a comforting and familiar smell that invokes safety and protection, but that bring a sense of wonder and excitement, a somewhat dangerous scent, it tempts me.

And then I see it, beautiful green eyes, not blue like Richard's, green. These eyes belong to a stranger, a handsome stranger, that is just standing in the middle of the hallway, like he was stopped in his tracks for as unknown force. And he is looking at me.

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