Chapter 32

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We all look at Chris waiting for her to elaborate, however, she doesn't. She casually strolls back to the couch and sits, turning on the TV, ignoring the expectation in our faces.

"Where's Jack?"

"I told you, he needs a minute."

"Chris, Richard is out there. Who knows what he'll do next?"

"Forcing him to accept a whole new reality won't help anybody." Chris protecting Jack, in what reality am I in?

"I know but-"

"For 7 years Rick has been his best friend and Alpha, it's not that easy to believe he was being played all this time." Chris being understanding and compassionate...towards Jack?! Seriously what is going on?

"She's right. Let's leave him for now, he'll be back when he's ready to hear the whole story. Let's order some food, I'm starving."

Adam is right, we all have a lot to take in, so food should help, as always. What can't be solved with food? We are all standing around now, except for Chris that is lounging on the sofa.

"Fine, you can call the pizzeria, MAD."

He rolls his eyes saying, "Don't you start!"

"Why not?! I missed that nickname!" He pushes me slightly saying me to shut up and went into the kitchen to grab the number of the pizza place we love. Based on the amount of times we order from there, people would think we know the number by heart, we don't, we suck.

We all sit again, I next to Aiden, of course, I fear he might disappear if I leave him alone. I hope this feeling passes soon because I hate being clingy.

For now, he doesn't seem to mind either, so I rest my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, this is the most comfortable I have ever been, despite the tension that still lingers.

Will is just sitting there, thinking about the information that just crashed his world. Or maybe he's fantasizing about unicorns, we'll never know.

We pretty much keep quiet while waiting for the food, each one in their own thoughts. That doesn't change when the pizza arrives, we eat and drink, and keep a light conversation but it's painfully obvious that we are ignoring the major topic of discussion.

After the meal we go back to the living room and I guess there is no way to postpone it further.

"Aaron? Or, Aiden?"

"Aiden is fine, I haven't been Aaron for a long time."

"Can you elaborate on the story? I need to understand and maybe if will be easier if I tell Jack, I can't wait anymore."

Aiden looks at me and I nod, I know he doesn't want to tell this story so many times, but Will deserves an explanation and it is unfair to make him wait for Jack.

"Yeah... so-" Before he can say another word, Chris stands up and opens the front door, letting Jack in. Did he ring or knock? I don't think so...

"Wait. I want to listen too." Jack steps in passing Chris and giving her a small smile. He stops right in front of Aiden and his eyes show a little guilt. "I'll only say this once but I'm sorry. I'm here now."

"What made you change your mind?" I'm curious, because he was really pissed a few hours ago, what happened in the meantime?

Jack looks uncomfortable sharing the reason with us, he keeps looking at Will and Aiden, like he's gathering his courage.

"Richard contacted me." We immediately go alert. "He knew you have been hunting him down, even though I had no idea." He looks accusatorily at us but when I try to explain he shakes his head. "It's fine, I get it. The point is, he knows things neither me nor Will know."

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