Chapter 28

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I don't raise my head immediately. Too afraid I'm imagining his voice. It wouldn't be the first time. I can't deal with being disappointed like that again.

I sense a hand hovering over my head, praying the feeling is real, but it never touches me and soon the sensation is gone.

Of course it wouldn't be mind is playing trick on me again. Over the past two weeks I lost Aiden every night in my dreams, and reality wasn't so great either...I would always wake up with the hope of him having woken up, and every day he hadn't. Those were the good days.

The bad days were the ones where he would have cardiac arrests, his heart stopped beating, the ones where I could feel his soul slipping further and further away. In either case I could do nothing more than cry and pray.

I asked help to the Goddess many times, and one time she answered me, but her answer was not what I wanted to hear. There was nothing she could do, it was not in her hands, it was in Aiden's.

After that I stopped praying, what's the point when you received your answer already?

So I focus on convincing Aiden. Of course that, after everything he went thru with me, he probably doesn't want to be here for me, so I told him that Ella missed him, and his parents called everyday asking about him, I tried talking about everything he cared about, and nothing changed. He was still asleep.

Finally, after almost losing him again, for the second time in a space of 2 days, I was nearly out of hope, so I knew I needed to tell him all that I figure out that day on the forest, and to be honest, way before that. I let it all out, although I wanted to say all this to him when he woke up.

I guess that was the true sign of me giving up. I confessed all that I was feeling and as a punishment for being an idiot most of my life, I got no response. I didn't get to say any of this while looking into his eyes, and I thought I never would.

So no, I don't look up. The beeping of the machine stayed the same, I sense no movement, no noise other than that one word. I'm being a coward I know, but who can blame me if I don't want my heart breaking again?

My father, Aiden's doctor, told me that the chances of him waking up were close to none. Nonetheless, close to none isn't none, so I thought there was hope, that is until the first few days, when I woke up hearing his voice and ran to call my dad, only to realize that it was all in my head.

I woke up several times looking at his eyes, I could swear were open, and the same story repeated itself. Then the nightmares started.

These two weeks were hell. Seeing Aiden like this, having to tell the pack everything I know, which isn't much, to get them to chase Richard. Unfortunately what I know isn't enough to get other pack's help in pursuing an Alpha, only Aiden can do that, convince them, tell the rest of the story.

My hand is squeezed and I...Wait. My hand? I lift my head slightly to look at my hand. It's currently tangled with Aiden's hand, as always really. In my dreams I always lose him after I let go of his hand. So I don't, at least when I can avoid it. The doctor said sometimes his hand could move slightly but that didn't actually mean anything.

It happened again! My eye shoots up to look at his face.

Green. The most amazing green eyes are looking at me. Eyes I never thought I would see again.

"Why are you crying, Kitten?" His voice is hoarse but to me it's the most beautiful sound. I can't say a word, I did not even realized I was crying. It's beyond me, where do I get all these tears, I feel like I cried nonstop for two weeks.

Still, I open my mouth to speak, anything. But the door being open takes my chance.

"Hey, Katie, you should eat some-" My mom freezes mid step with a tray of food in her hands, since I refused to let go of Aiden to go home and eat, we compromised that I wouldn't skip on meals but had to have them here. "Oh my god! You're awake!" She quickly puts the tray down and presses the emergency button to call my father.

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