Chapter 2

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Gladly, as it is the first day, the class only consisted on a presentation of the teacher and the subject we are going to learn.

So, first was as Statistic lesson... I don't hate math, I actually like it just fine, when I understand it, but until I do its hard... and by the presentation I can see that senior year won't be all sunshine and rainbows, oh well I guess I saw that coming, nothing on my major is easy, although I guess everyone thinks that about their courses.

One lesson after the other the morning passed on fast, before I knew it, lunch came around. As soon as the professor gave the signal to end the class I went towards my locker, where Chris, Ella and I usually meet up before lunch.

We don't have all the same classes, although, Chris is a Science major just like me, we aren't in the same class, so we don't have the same schedule. As for Ella she is a Computer Engineering major.

"Finally! We thought you got locked up somewhere! It's been hours since classes ended!! I'm hungry! Starving!"

"Stop being dramatic Chris, it's been like 5 minutes." I roll my eyes at my best friend.

"So, when are you making your escape?" I look at Ella, she knows not to talk about my secret, but I trust her, no one must be around, so I answer her.

"This year I will try to do that less...probably only on free periods or occasionally after classes."

"Why less?"

"Well... just because"

"But you love it because of Richard?"

"Look, let's not talk about this here ok? Maybe on girl's night. Maybe"

"I'm sorry, it's not my business."

"Ella, you are my friend, it's absolutely your business, it's just... I don't feel like talking about it right now, ok?"

"Of course."

"Well, if you ladies are done with the nonsense. I'm hungry!!" We all laugh at Chris, her attempted of breaking the little tension was a success. She doesn't voice her opinion, surely because she knows about mates, but Ella doesn't.

"I swear you have a little cow living in your belly, you're always eating!" I tease her.

"I have to keep this body somehow!"

We all laugh and go to lunch.

To be honest, it's all the same, same people, same place, I don't know what I was hoping for, but maybe some change, some shake of the norm. But no, senior year is just like every other year, except it's the last one.

The day went smoothly, when the last class ended, I sigh, one day down, infinite more to go.

Rick drove me home, bless him.

"See you tomorrow, babe"

"Bye Rick, see you tomorrow"

As soon as I walk home, I go straight to my bed, I'm so tired.

---Next Day---

I keep waiting for Rick, but he is nowhere to be seen, if I wait any longer, I going to be late for school.

My phone rings and I see it's him.

"Hey, what's up? Where are you?"

"Hi, sorry but I won't be able to pick you up, I got busy. Will explain you later, ok?"

"Sure, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I will see you later."

And with that he hanged up. Just as Rosie was leaving the house.

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