I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. Chet would be just getting out of soccer practice.

"Can I take a picture and send it to my boyfriend?"

Her eyes brightened when I said boyfriend. "Of course," she said.

I took the picture and attached it to the text I sent Chet.

Me: I really want it, but it's $100.

He didn't respond immediately and I began to get nervous when a young couple started browsing through the leather couches. They were finished looking at the other two and just started looking at this one when I got a response.

My Heart: Get it. You can put it on your card and I'll make up the difference plus the interest.

Me: Are you sure? There is going to be a delivery charge and I already told them I wanted to buy a folding table and chairs that totaled $10.

My Heart: It's ok. Get it. I want you to get it.

I couldn't stop the smile that came to my lips.

The young couple was just asking the employee if they could buy it.

"He was here first," she told them. "Are you getting it then?" she asked me.

"Yes," I said.

"Sorry," she said to the other couple. They went to browsing other items. "So you want this and the folding table and chairs I already marked as sold." Even as she spoke to me, she readied the tag to say that the loveseat was sold.

"Yes," I said.

"Anything else today?"

"No," I said.

I sent Chet another quick text.

Me: Are you going home now? I want to stop and get some leather cleaner to thoroughly clean this couch before we sit on it. Ask Mateo if we can borrow their vacuum cleaner again. We should vacuum out the couch. There is a super store down the street from here. I'll go there and use some of the $75 to get leather cleaner and some groceries. And maybe I'll stop at the coffee shop to grab me a coffee.

My Heart: Ok. I'll borrow the vacuum cleaner. I'm heading home now so they can deliver it any time.


My Heart: ILY2

I paid for the items with my credit card and gave them the address and Chet's name and phone number in case I wasn't home by the time it was delivered.

I started to walk to the coffee shop since it was on the way to the super store when my phone rang. I froze when I saw the caller i.d. I wasn't sure I even wanted to answer it.

I did answer it. "Hi," I said to my brother.

"Hi," he said. "I saw your boyfriend the other day."

"He told me," I said as I continued my walk to the coffee shop.

"I heard you met your biological dad."

"I did," I said. I couldn't keep walking and talking. Not when the conversation was turning this deep. I sat at the nearby bus stop.

"How was he?"

I briefly considered lying, but I was done pretending to make my family happy. Especially after they kicked me out. After they tried to sabotage my job hunting. After they demoted Chet's dad just for taking me in when I didn't have a home.

From My Enemy To My Love (boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now