Part Twelve ( Part Three )

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          Im Yoonah was in disbelief at how foolish the guards of the Royal Palace of Beijing were.
           When she'd asked for a laptop to be able to keep up with the news, the guards had actually given it to her, a laptop without any kind of technical restrictions. A laptop in Wichita she could do whatever she wanted.
            She typed quickly and precisely, entering the codes and passwords to enter there. She established the link and soon enough, she was in contact with Taeyeon.
           Has Solar done it?
           Taeyeon's reply came very quickly, almost instantly. Not yet. But I can tell she's planning to do so.
            Tell her to get it done quickly and by the end of the month. Tell her that I will have Somi killed if she doesn't.
             The next reply was slower to come, almost mocking in nature. Like Taeyeon was insulting her. Yoonah bristled at that.
            But you don't actually have Somi Vernon Chwe. Sooner or later Hansol Vernon Chwe will find out about that, and any power you hold over the Golden Trio will be gone.
           They will never find out. They won't risk that precious friend of theirs, especially not that Kwon Seungkwan. They will obey.
          And if they do not? What will you do then?
          Make them obey. Use whatever methods you please. As long as the deed is done that is enough.
          The next question was more thoughtful, more personal yet somewhat still insulting at the same time. Why do you hate the Queen of Assassins? She doesn't pay that much attention to you that much.
           But she does to my son. And I don't like it. Wait till you have a child of your own body then you'll understand what I feel, though you most likely will never do so. Yoonah smirked at that. She knew that in her childhood, Taeyeon had suffered a disease that left her with extreme difficulty in conceiving and that she most likely never will have a child born of her body.
         The next reply from Taeyeon displayed no emotion she might've been feeling. Just icy coldness.
             Then I will live in ignorance of your motives , then. But I will do as you say. I will make sure Solar kills the Queen of Assassins.
             Yoonah smiled coldly. That will do.
              As she smiled though, she wondered vaguely at the back of her head wether her son Yoongi was safe.
              Wether he would be protected from the crimes she'd committed.
              Wether he'd be able to live a normal life after this.
             Wether he'd still love her as his mother after this.
             The sun sank beneath the waves, and the full moon rose up, brighter than any diamond.
             And the sun and moon were sleeping in their beds. Well, the moon was. The sun wasn't.
            Yongsun  was wide awake, with her blade of winterglass in her hand. She stood over Byul Yi's bed, trying to summon Solar from deep within her. Trying to get the Assassin in her to wake up. To open its eyes. To take over her. To help her get the job done.
            But she couldn't. Solar was deep asleep in her without any signs of waking up from its slumber. It seemed to be content with staying asleep when Yongsun needed it the most.
            The winterglass blade in her hands shook, and fell to the ground. The black rose in the core orb losing its bright glow, not that she really noticed. But it did say one thing.
             There will be no death to deal out tonight.
             Yongsun bit down on her lip, hard, drawing blood, but she barely noticed. The world could be burning around her and she wouldn't have seen it.
            She hated herself. For being so weak. For feeling that weakness. For succumbing to it. For being so weak that she couldn't get rid of the weakness.
            Killing was something she'd done so many times without blinking or batting an eyelash. She should've been able to it, even without the help of her Assassin persona Solar. Yet now she couldn't do it. Couldn't do anything at all.
             Weak. Pathetic. Useless. It was a miracle she became the top Assassin like this.
              She knew now,what she'd tried to deny for so long.
             She did love Moon Byul Yi.

Sun And Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें