Chapter One (Part Two)

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        That was what Yongsun had been doing consistently, even if was against her will, for the past year,within her confines.
          Dreaming all types of dreams. Dreams of the sun and moon, dreams of ice and fire, and the dreams she hated with a burning passion.
           Dreams of her life before  the tank.
           This was what she dreamt of now. Her greatest assassination to date.
            Her assassination of the previous Emperor of the Hwang Dynasty, Emperor Kyuhyun.
            The Emperor hadn't been the tyrant she killed when he began his reign. In fact,many had saw him as a ray of hope,who'd restore the Hwang Dynasty name after the horrible ruling of his father,who'd been far too weak and meek for the throne. He was thoroughly corrupt, listening to the every command of his power hungry advisor, Lee Sunmi, following them without putting up the fight he should've given.
         While the EC suffered, Lee Sunmi grew in power, wealth and prestige. Eventually, like every mortal, the Emperor  died,and his son took over.
        In his first act as Emperor, Kyuhyun had had Lee Sunmi be executed slowly. He'd first had her fingers and toes removed. Then all her hair,her skin. And, as she lay dying,he had her tongue - the tongue that had corrupted his father and destroyed the realm - ripped out and fed to her.
         That was probably the only thing he did right.
         He proved cruel, tyrannical and sadistic. His handsome appearance hid a heart as black as death, that led to so many EC citizens dying at his hands.
          Rape, torture, killing and destruction became the new normal for the lives of commoners. Even Kyuhyun's own family wasn't spared from his sadism.
         The Empress had been a member of the aristocracy, a gently bred lady. She'd married the Emperor believing that all the tumors around him was false, and that he would be a good husband to her.
         He did, at first, before showing her the full extent of his cruelty and sadism. When she only managed to give him a daughter instead of the son he wanted, it was all over. The Empress was discovered a few months later,brutally killed. He throat had been slit so deeply she'd almost been decapitated. All her internal organs were missing, and her cheeks had been slit from ear to ear to give her a horrifically wide and bloody smile.
          The definition of the phrase 'smiling from ear to ear',truly.
            Yongsun's own parents had been victims of his,and killing had been so satisfying. It'd been all that she wanted. Yet she hadn't thought the consequences would be so severe.
          One year ago, 16 February, 2426. The Royal Palace of Beijing,the grand ballroom.
          Yongsun and Vernon were standing before the Emperor, weapons out,ready to kill. The Emperor, mad and deranged, only laughed maniacally,despite the fact that the two top Assassins of the Guild stood before him.
         "You can't kill me,"he'd  declared, so sure of himself and so fatally wrong." I'm the Emperor; peasants can't kill me !"
        "Oh , I  think you forget that we're Assassin. We don't belong to any of the classes." Vernon paled the two bombs in his hand,his quarterstaff in the other.
       "We're no one. And you never said that nobodies couldn't kill you," Yongsun finished, savoring the look of utter horror on Kyuhyun's face.
           "No,no,NO!No one - no one can kill me!NO ONE!!"he shrieked frantically as he waved a pack of cherry bombs filled with poisonous and explosive  gases at their faces."  S-stay away! I won't  hesitate to let them go! I - I'll kill you if you two step any closer!"
           Yongsun  clicked her tongue impatiently. " Are you done prattling away your nonsense? I'm getting bored,you don't have any entertainment  value; you're not worth my time."
          What Yongsun was really trying to achieve was not a premature death. Rather, she was using how egotistical Kyuhyun was to her advantage. He'd attempt to  restore his ego,and that always made people reckless and rash.
           Just what Yongsun and Vernon wanted.
           He played right into their hands. "How-how dare you! I'm worthy of  everything! "He then released his bombs , just as Vernon's jammed down into his throat , and Yongsun buried every bullet left in her near empty gun into his skull.
           Emperor Kyuhyun died that  day,his head exploding from the bombs. And Yongsun  nearly did too.
         The cherry bombs had exploded against her body. Had she not been wearing the anti-explosive clothing she'd worn then,she surely would've died.
               Yongsun wasn't sure which was worse - dying a final,absolute death, or being suspended in a state in between living and dying.

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