Chapter Five ( Part One. Three )

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          Beijing, The Specially Administrated Zone of China
          20 February 2427
          The late afternoon.
         Vernon opened the rusty metal door in front of them.
           He and Yongsun were underground - very deep underground. They were far beneath the railway tunnels and underground facilities of Beijing.
          Even beyond the deepest level of Beijing, the sewers, which were situated 720 feet beneath the ground. They were more than a hundred feet below that, hence the chillier air.
        The door opened with a creak, its old metal hinges groaning.
       Once, during the Third World War, these tunnels had been constructed by rebels for the purpose of having secret access to the Royal Palace of Beijing. It was also part of an intricate, complex network of underground tunnels.
        The thing was, the rebels had never had the opportunity to use the tunnels , so now the Assassin's Guild used them for assassination jobs in Beijing. In their way they were being the successors of the Third World War rebels. The Guild were the rebels, and everyone against them was the world powers that fought in the War.
           The flickering light was weak and weakened even further as Yongsun and Vernon progressed further. The air , at least, started to heat up as the passageway started to curve upwards.
       " Yongsun.  .  . there's something I've never told you or Kwan before, " Vernon said abruptly as they approached another curve in the tunnel.
         She narrowed her eyes slightly. She wasn't surprised that Vernon had secrets - she had her own. It was the fact that Vernon hadn't told Seungkwan this secret that was where the surprise stemmed from. Vernon usually told Seungkwan everything. While he confessed to Yongsun to,it was lesser than he did to Seungkwan. It probably only increased, him going to Seungkwan when he had secrets to tell, when she was in her coma.
         What is it? I'll keep it to myself if you want me to.
         Vernon bit down on his lip." I . . . .have a younger
sister. The people at the Guild  told me she died, but I believe they're lying. And . . . I think she's working at the Royal Palace as the nanny of Princess Hwang Yuna. "
          Yongsun stopped dead in her tracks. Vernon's teeth broke the delicate red skin on his teeth,drawing blood. The metallic liquid filled his mouth and a drop dribbled down his chin. Her brushed it away. It was like Yongsun's natural eyes.
          A sister. You have a sister? 
          Yongsun signed without emotion. Her eyes were flat, as was her signing. Her blank face gave away none of her emotions. Vernon had seen this face very often, yet it only now scared him. Its blankness was somewhat inhuman,  even though he'd put on that face before.
         Maybe it was the fact that this persona came so naturally to Yongsun that scared him.
          He could only nod.
          Make sure that she stays hidden, then. You want her to stay alive, right?
         He nodded again.
        You know what happens to siblings of Guild members if they don't join.
         " They die."
          Yongsun nodded. She took his hand gently, almost affectionately. She gave him a faint smile.
          Vernon smiled. It was at moments like this that he really appreciated and loved Yongsun for her iron firm stability and firmness. It was one of the only strings of normality he could really cling onto.
         Let's go.
        It was dark by the time they emerged out of the tunnels and in the Royal Palace of Beijing.
          They were in an empty, abandoned room. Tonight was as dark as lst night had been bright.
           It was as black as death itself.
            "The Empress's room is on level two. We're on level one. We need to go to Wing Pearl - Two," Vernon said stiffly. His hazel eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. He held his winterglass quartstaff in his hand, in its dagger mode. The red rose in its core orb looked like a rose of blood and death.
         Something would definitely happen to Vernon tonight,Yongsun decided. What exactly,though, she had no idea. But she suspected that it might have something to do with the sister of his.
           They were at the door to the Empress's room in no time. It was carved ebony, all black and deathly.
         The stark silence of the Palace was disturbing. But it helped them. The emptiness of the Palace helped them tremendously.
          A massive room,as dark as the night outside. The Empress lay on her bed, sound asleep.
          It would be over in a second.
           Rest peacefully, Your Imperial Majesty. Know that this is at the command of your own son Hwang Jimin.
           It was so easy for Yongsun to lift her own winterglass blade to slit the Empress's throat.


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