Chapter Nine ( Part Three )

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              Yongsun allowed Byul Yi to bandage the slash on her arm.
              She'd told the doctor she'd received the slash when she was training with her weapons, but in reality it was self inflicted. Why she'd done it she had no idea. But she'd just . . .did it. One moment she was just looking at her reflection on her long Japanese katana then the next she'd split her upper arm open,blood pooling out. All the while she watched it like it was some curious anamoly.
             Though, she always did when she got injured. She would always just stare at it curiously without really bothering to get it treated until after a while. She didn't know why,but she just liked to see her blood flowing out. She'd cut herself deliberately before but never as seriously as she did now.
               " How did you really get that slash? It's too fine and precise to be inflicted by a blade that boomeranged back to you," Byul Yi said firmly as she wrapped sterile linen around the whole stretch of her arm that was affected by the slash.
              Yongsun simply regarded her coolly. She used her other arm to flick the silver white hair that had fallen into her eyes away and crossed her long legs.
                " Isn't the answer as to who did it rather obvious, Byul? I think it is."
                "You did it," Byul Yi realized as she applied another layer of the sterile linen wrap to the Assassin's arm.
                Yongsun snapped her fingers. " Bravo, Byul, you got the correct answer," she said sarcastically as she brushed her hair away again and un crossed her legs, propping them up against the bed frame in front of her.
                 "Why?" Byul Yi asked quietly as she dabbed some yellowish and foul smelling medicine onto the area by the slash.
                Yongsun didn't reply. Instead she only scrunched up her nose in disgust. The rather cute expression didn't really match her terrifying blood red eyes or the long winterglass quartstaff she was casually carrying in her uninjured arm,the staff now propped up against the wall.
" What the fuck is that stench? It smells like it belongs in the deepest pits of hell."
                Byul Yi suppressed a smile but quickly sobered. "I mean it. Why did you cut yourself? "
                 "Why do you even care what I do to my body anyway? It's my body not yours," Yongsun scoffed.
                 " One day you'll just cut yourself too deep and then no one will be able to save you then," Byul Yi replied seriously as she put on another layer of the linen.
               " No one would care. In fact, I think some people will rejoice at that," Yongsun said dryly as she swung her legs down from the bed frame.
               "Vernon and Seungkwan would." After a short pause Byul Yi breathed out,"I would."
               "Do it."
                And Taehyung released the knife he held in his hand.
               It slammed straight into the bullseye, sinking deeply all the way up to the handle of the serrated knife.
                Lucas applauded him in his usual overly but endearingly loud fashion. He hooted very loudly. " Yeah! You go princeling! "
                 "I've already said for you to not call me that name, Lucas. I'm no longer a prince of the Eurasian Commonwealth. Stop calling me as if I still am," Taehyung hissed. He knew he was being rude but he didn't give a flying fuck. He had a lot of anger to vent.

              Last night. . .
              Taehyung was returning to his room after a late medical check up with Yuta and Yuqi when a hand just shot out and pulled him into a dark,secluded room.
              It was none other than Jeon Jungkook. The very last person Taehyung wanted to see.
              He felt rage boiling up inside him,but also a longing for Jungkook. He missed the days of passion and love they once shared. He wanted it back yet at the same time he didn't.
              "What the fuck, Jungkook? Are you out of your fucking mind?" A furious Taehyung growled as he stuggled beneath the younger but stronger's grip.
               " Tae . . ." Jungkook began but the former prince just shoved him away furiously, a fiery rage burning in his eyes.
              " Don't call me that! You lost your right to do so years ago and you'll never regain it again!"
              Jungkook's face fell. He'd hoped . . . He'd hoped that Taehyung might come around . . . But now he could see that it was impossible now. There was no redemption for either of them.
            " Fine then," he said heavily. " But one last thing. Consider this . . .a farewell gift from me to you."
              And he pressed their lips together.
              The kiss was full of unspoken apologies and lingering passion and love. Taehyung gasped into his mouth but didn't pull away. In fact he pulled Jungkook even closer to him.
            He thought that all his love for Jungkook was gone. But apparently, an ember had remained,waiting for a spark to light up the flames of passion and love again.
               It seemed that his love for Jungkook could never really go away.

               " Hey princeling?  Why are you zoning out?" Lucas asked as he shook Taehyung's shoulder.
               Taehyung shook his head and widened his eyes. Right. Training.
              " Nothing, Lucas. Let's continue practicing. "

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