Chapter Three (Part One)

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        "Yongsun.  . ."Vernon said, his voice a hushed whisper." You're awake."
         The girl in the tank simply nodded. Her body was covered in the clear gel, and her silvery hair clung onto her skin. Yet her red eyes were uneffected, as clear as day.
         She made several lighting quick gestures which Byul Yi supposed was some sort of Assassin sign language. Vernon and Seungkwan understood, it seemed.
         "Get her out of there. Now," Seungkwan commanded, every bit the heir to the Assassin Throne.
          Obviously no one refused his order. The tank was slowly opened, its thick glass walls rising up with an audible creak.
          The walls seemed to take an eternity to rise, though Byul Yi knew it was only a few seconds. Once they were up , there was nothing separating Kim Yongsun from everybody else.
        Slowly,almost hesitantly, she stood up. She was deceptively slender, with thin limbs,a very slim build and a tiny waistline. Yet, she was tall - very tall. She seemed to be taller than both Vernon and Seungkwan.
          The bodysuit she was put in was glistening with gel. The thin tubes attached to it had fallen off. The skin that Byul Yi could see was very pale and very wrinkled - like she'd been in a bath for a full year.
          "Vitals stable," Yuqi said , breaking the silence.
           Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. "If that's the case, Yongsun-ssi, you may step out of the tank."
            They didn't let Yongsun go immediately, of course. They still had to do some checking and stabilize her biological systems. After a full year in suspended animation, there were risks of her body having some potentially life threatening reactions.
         All this while, Yongsun didn't speak a single word. It was like she'd lost her vocal chords, though Byul Yi suspected it would be a while before she spoke again. After all,her vocal chords would be rather rusty after not being used for so long. It would take a while for her to be able to talk.
         Taeyeon had ran off to tell the Queen of Assassins the news. Yuta and Yuqi were monitoring Kim Yongsun,and Taeyeon had left Byul Yi in charge.
          Yongsun was terrifying,  to say the least. Especially those blood red eyes of hers. They seemed to follow Byul Yi everywhere she went, something that unsettled her.
        Though, she supposed, that was the effect Assassins were supposed to have on everyone else. And Yongsun accomplished it perfectly and effortlessly.
        It wasn't Kim Yongsun Byul Yi was seeing. It was her Assassin persona Solar.
         "Byul?" Yuqi whispered as she edged closer. She held a digital notepad in her hands.
          Song Yuqi was a small thing, a dwarf next to Kim Yongsun. An adorable dwarf, Byul Yi would say. Her long curly dark brown hair and big, expressive eyes only added to the effect.
            "The patient scares me," Yuqi admitted in a voice smaller than she was. Her shoulders were hunched in, making her look smaller than she already was ,and her eyes appeared sad.
           Byul Yi most certainly could relate. Kim Yongsun scared her too. But it wasn't just fear that Yongsun invoked;it was also a strange fascination, especially towards those red eyes.
           "Just don't look directly at her and you should be fine, " Byul Yi replied,trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "Besides you're friends with an Assassin. You should be fine with the patient."
      "But Yukhei is different.  He's not as scary as Solar. She looks so threatening. And her eyes are the scariest I've ever seen!" Yuqi shuddered.
          She and the Assassin Wong Yukhei were close friends, they've been that way ever since Yukhei first came into the Guild. Their friendship had persisted even after Yukhei rose up so high as an Assassin. It was such a cute brotherhood - because Yuqi was a tomboy.
          Besides,their crazy personalities fit well with each other.
           "Just . . . do your job without looking at the patient when you don't have to. "
             Yuqi nodded and scampered away. She returned to where she previously was, by Yuta's side. Those two worked well together not because they were foreigners on the Korean Peninsula - Yuqi being from the Specially Administrated Zone of China and Yuta the Japanese Islands - but because they had to. It was how life worked. You had to adapt or be left behind and die. If Yuqi and Yuta had refused to work together, they would have been killed by the Assassin Queen.
          That was how life, in its own twisted way, kept yhe world going .
          By weeding out the weak and letting the strong survive and thrive.
           Kim Yongsun, Hansol Vernon Chwe and Boo Seungkwan were part of the strong, the ones who would live.
           Byul Yi had no intent on joining the weak and dying.

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