Chapter Ten ( Part One )

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               Seungkwan was without Vernon today, something that rarely happened with the two of them. They were always either with each other or Yongsun. Rarely was one of the males solo.
            He held his winterglass quartstaff, a weapon he rarely brought out. The glass of his staff was an unusual colour for winterglass, which was usually light blues or pinks or just plain white. His was a vivid, blood red like Yongsun's eyes. The flower in his core orb was a sprig of palm leaves, which represented success and victory.
             It rang well for him. Whenever he used it his missions were successful and victorious. Not that they weren't already without his winterglass quartstaff. He was the Queen of Assassin's son, even if it was only through adoption, after all. He had been trained to be the best,though it was impossible for anyone to top Yongsun in terms of Assassin capability.
            She was the best there was. It was impossible to say otherwise.
            To be the Queen of Assassins was Yongsun's destiny. It had always been hers. Somehow he always knew. Looking at her she gave off very queenly vibes. She even had the look of a queen - regal, royal and beautiful yet terrifying with her bloodred eyes.
            Destiny was impossible to change. And to sit on the Assassin Throne was not Seungkwan's. Vernon was and always will be.
            He stepped into the room of glass and red roses. The red glass rose is Vernon, and I saw it shatter to a million pieces. Seungkwan tried to shudder at the memory of Yongsun's haunting words,spoken what felt like an eternity ago, though it was probably at most two months ago.
           A dream? Was it was this was? Seungkwan couldn't tell. It seemed so dreamy yet real at the same time.
           But that was what dreams were,weren't they? Illusions that seemed both real and fake at the same time. But he hadn't dreamed in so long that he couldn't really remember what a true dream really was.
              He had stepped into a prism of glass and bright red roses. All around him were his reflection staring back at him.Two,three,six,a hundred? He had no idea. There seemed to be an infinite amount of him.
            Red rose petals started to rain down softly, tangling with his hair and clothes. Then they turned black, then the blooms, then the glass itself started to darken and crack.
               Seungkwan, a voice he'd instantly recognize said softly,almost sadly.
                He appeared before his eyes,cracks running up his bare arms, his legs, up his neck and the sides of his face. His whole body seemed to have a glassy,transparent quality, glimmering a million different colours.
             Nestled into his hair was a crown of red roses. Red glass roses. Like what Yongsun had said all those months ago.
             "Vernon? Why - "
             There are some things that you cannot prevent, Kwan. Some shatterings are meant to happen and not meant to be stopped, Vernon said softly. He lifted one arm towards Seungkwan.
              He reached out immediately. Just as he thought could reach that glassy,transparent and cracked arm, the rose petals,  now both red and black, blew into his face.
           Then Vernon shattered into a million pieces.
            The glass broke to reveal a void as black and dark as night,unbroken by any light. Stark red roses spelled out a message.
               You will lose him, son of the Queen.
              Jimin issued his first order as the Emperor of the Eurasian Commonwealth today.
              He looked very much an Emperor. He wore royal deep purple, lined with ermine fur. His rather adrogynous, gender fluid robes were clean white, gold trimmed silk. His black hair was pushed back by the heavy , bejeweled gold ancestral crown of the Commonwealth that all his predecessors had worn.
              Yet the heavy, almost fragile look in Jimin's  eyes betrayed that royal look. There was a deep weariness across his face that didn't match how young he was.
             "People of the Eurasian Commonwealth,"
Jimin began in a voice that was heavier than it usually was. " I am Hwang Jimin, son of the late Empress Hwang Seulgi. I'm sure you have questions as to where my brother and second in line for the throne Prince Hwang Taehyung is. I have answers to that and other questions. "
              Jimin looked at the viewers straight in the eye, his eyes old for someone of twenty years.
              " My brother Taehyung has been banished, and my mother was assassinated by an Assassin of the Assassin's Guild by the order of one of her court. I know who is behind all this."
              Jimin took in a deep breath, and he seemed scared, for a moment. Childlike and vulnerable as a newborn child. The crown suddenly seemed to big for him, the cloak drowning within its folds of heavy purple velvet and ermine fur.
           His voice came out as a tiny whisper.
            " Arrest me, because I did it all."

Sun And MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora