Part Thirteen ( Part Three )

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          Taehyung and Jungkook got off the train at the Beijing International Terminal.
          A feeling of nostalgia hit the former prince as he stood in his former home. Ryujin, Yuna, Taehyun, Yeji , Yerim. Even Jennie and Jisoo and Dahyun. He didn't even  realize how much he missed them until now.
           And Jimin. That bloody idiot trying to get himself killed. He thought he would not love him like he used to but he guessed it was wrong. The bond between siblings was unbreakable. Once you loved someone that love would never ever be able to be diminished. It would always remain.
         Like how he-fustratingly - still loved Jungkook. He thought it would've already died out but it'd returned. Burning more vividly now than it'd ever did when they had been together.
            He seriously wished he could kill his former lover sometimes.
           Jungkook headed towards a counter and began to talk in rapid fire Chinese. While he did so, Taehyung looked around the station. He remembered it. He'd been there when his mother had declared it open a few years ago. He'd only been a small child. Yuna and Yeji hadn't even been born at that point. Yerim had only been a mere newborn.
                It felt so surreal to be back in Beijing.He'd never thought he'd return after he fled to the Assassin's Guild. And assassinating whoever killed his mother - he could see that it was a futile mission. It'd never work. He'd be the one who'd be killed if he tried. His single sparring match against Lucas Wong Yukhei had proven that. He'd been beaten so badly that if Lucas hadn't stopped when he did he would probably be dead. And Lucas hadn't even been trying.
           Jungkook returned with what Taehyung recognized as the keys for a rental car in his hands. "Come on. Let's go."
           "Where to? "
           "A place of the Guild's, " Jungkook replied as he walked away, giving Taehyung no choice but to follow him.
               They walked down to a sleek black rental car in the private rental parking lots. An air of iciness hung in between them, radiating from Taehyung. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his long black jacket. Across his mouth and the bottom half of his face was a massive black face mask. Only his eyes were uncovered, though they just happened to be very distinct.
             The wind blew gently. He brushed a hand through his black hair, sweeping it away from his face. The parking lot had a number of people, though none of them seemed to recognize him. That was good, since if he was recognized by anyone his plan would be ruined. Even letting his eyes be seen was quite a risk - you never knew, someone could just see them and recognize him as the prince banished by his brother.
               He settled into the backseat. Even though he was younger, Jungkook held the driving license. Well, that was expected since Taehyung had been royalty. He wasn't allowed to have his driver's license, neither was anyone else in the family.
           As the car moved away, Taehyung couldn't help but think about how he'd rescue his brother. Now that he thought of it, it was such a reckless desicion for him to just rush off without a real plan in mind with only Jeon Jungkook by his side. If they went like this they'd surely fail.
          What would his siblings think? Yuna and Yeji would surely be too young to fully comprehend it, but he wasn't sure. Growing up royal tends to make people grow up and mature faster. They might have experienced the same thing but he wasn't entirely sure. Most likely not.
             But what about his older siblings? Ryujin, Yerim, Taehyun? How would they be affected? Or heck, even Jennie, Jisoo and Dahyun? What if they were there? How would they be affected if they did?
            He didn't want to hurt them.
            "Do you have a plan for how we're going to rescue my brother?" Taehyung demanded as they car went on the highway to outside Beijing. "Where are we even going to anyway?"
            "Yes to the first question, and to the second, we're going to the outskirts of Beijing. There's some people we need to meet there," Jungkook replied, never once taking his eyes off the road.
             Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Who?"
             Jungkook shot him a heart fluttering and devilish grin. "Kim Yongsun, Hansol Vernon Chwe, Boo Seungkwan and Min Yoongi. "

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