Chapter Four (Part One )

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Nakamoto Yuta took the vial of greenish liquid from the rack of water filled glasses in front of him.
Kim Yongsun was the name on the label pasted onto the glass. He held more vials of medicine in his hands,all labeled with that name.
Honestly, why Solar needed the medicine Yuta had no idea. The medicine was for people with internal diseases. Solar, from all the tests he and Yuqi had run showed no symptoms of them. Still , Taeyeon, through Byul Yi, had told him to.
An order was an order, even if he didn't like them. He had to obey every order his higher ups gave him.
It was the way of the Guild. Obey your masters or risk your death. It was harsh, but it was the rules. Yuta would rather stay alive than dead.
He still didn't know exactly how he ended up in the Guild. One day he was at home in the Japanese Islands. The next he woke up in a Guild medical room with Taeyeon looking down on him ,saying that if he wanted to live he had to stay in the Guild and follow every single one of its rules.
         Wether his life before the Guild on the Japanese Islands had been real or not he had no way of knowing.  He was banned from ever leaving the Korean Peninsula. It was in its own way the worst punishment he could receive,  not being able to go back to the land of his childhood, even if might be false.
          Not being able to figure out the truth in general.
          "Yuta - ge !" Song Yuqi called out.
          The small puppy like Chinese female ran over to him ,her face flushed like she'd ran over from a great distance to reach him. She carried a digital notepad in her arms. Her dark curly hair flew out behind her.
           "Yuta . . . I have instructions . From Taeyeon-nim through Byul!" Yuqi exclaimed breathlessly. She was breathing heavily. She definitely ran.
         He raised an eyebrow, a sign for her to continue.
          "Taeyeon-nim wants you to double the medicine dosages. " Her eyes dropped down to the vial of greenish medicine he held in his hands.
         Both his brows went up this time. His eyes widened in disbelief.  " Is Taeyeon-nim serious ? A dosage that high could kill Solar, if she's the patient you're talking about."
        Yuqi only nodded,eyes wide. Yuta sighed. He'd always thought of Taeyeon as someone sensible with her head firmly grounded in logic and reality. Well apparently now she'd lost all that. Why else would she ask him to increase the s dosage to a potentially fatal level ?
        "Apparently the order came in because Boah - hoejangnim wants Solar up and ready to go in two days," Yuqi informed him.
           He was beyond shocked by now. Two days was barely enough time for someone who'd been in a coma as long as Solar had to recover fully. It'd take at least a month for her to be completely fine. Two days could only allow her to regain basic control of her body. She wouldn't even be able speak by then.
       "Taeyeon-nim has gone crazy," he muttered. He wanted to say Boah - hoejangnim, but he didn't dare to do so. If he did so he would most likely be killed in some unspeakably brutal manner, something he'd rather not go through.
          "Still . . . " Yuqi's voice drifted away.
          " I'll handle it. I already have the medicine.  Besides. . ." Yuta looked up and met the eyes of the male standing outside. He nodded. " Lucas is waiting for you outside."
        Yuqi's puppy eyes widened when she saw the tall ass male standing outside. She smiled and passed her notepad to Yuta. "There are further instructions on the pad. Can you take over for me for a while?"
           He shrugged. "You don't have anything else for the day anyway. Your shift ended hours ago, actually. "
          Yuqi's face when she realized she'd actually worked for hours longer than she had to was priceless. Yuta had to smile. It was hilarious. He only wished he had a camera to capture it as blackmail material.
         "Why didn't you tell me?" She whined, pushing Yuta playfully.
          "Because I'm evil. Anyway, you shouldn't keep Lucas waiting."
           And Yuta walked away like the diva he was.
            The diva attitude was long gone by the time he approached Solar's medical room,medicine in hand. The Assassin was seated upright. Her blood colored eyes followed his every move but the blank expression on her face didn't change. It was disturbing how Assassins as highly ranked as her could always keep that perfect bitch face on.
        "This is your medicine, Miss Kim. I'll warn you first. If anyone tells you to drink everything in one go, don't. The dosage is twice the regular amount. Drink only half at once. Do you understand me, Miss Kim?" Yuta said in a throaty whisper ad he put down the  tray of medicine down.
          Solar's face stayed blank as she listened, but she nodded. She did an okay sign and made several quick gestures that Yuta managed to catch and understand.
        Thank you for that.
         The blank expression on her face was still there when Yuta left the room.

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