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Jai moved her feet out of the way. Her belly wouldn't allow her to sit with her legs crossed. She watched Greyson work on the car in the garage. The fan blew in her air. Her bowl of fruit sat on her belly.

"You pissed at me being a mechanic, but you didn't say you were G...podcast extraordinaire, sir." She calls him out. Her belly kicked playfully. Her eyebrow lifted, expecting an answer.

"I'm at work, woman." He ignores her.

"You need to twist that harder, it's gonna pop off on the road." She rubs her belly with a smirk.

"You could do this yourself if you can sit up there and tell me what to do."

"And you can go home." she baits him.

"Not until you have my kids..."

Jai rolls her eyes. "My feet hurt." She wiggles her toes to illustrate her point. "And I'm out of fruit." She waves her bowl at him.

"Yo feet don't hurt and you can go get yo own fruit."

"But you proving to me...niggas get comfortable and forget the whole mission."

"You didn't say none of that shit this morning though..." Grey politely reminds her as he helps her down from the top of the car. "I love you, Jai."

"I mean, you cool or whatever." She holds his now clean hand into the small home. The agreement was that she would move back with Greyson to the 500K after the birth of the babies. Twin boys. And she already had names picked out.

Grey rolls his eyes, unimpressed. Jai took her bowl from him and laid her feet in his lap. The small burst in her chest made her smile. "I love you too, Greyson Minnelli." They'll figure it out.

About two weeks later, Grams lands from Colorado to lay eyes on her grandchildren. Greyson had flown her in for a surprise. The elderly woman held her cane nervously as the limo went around the winding path to their temporary home. Jai's belly was getting bigger and bigger by the day. He didn't want Grams to miss the birth.

*SIDE NOTE. There is no issues with Jai and her mother, I just want to focus on grandmother-granddaughter relationships this time.*

Jai was out back in the garden when the car came to a halt. Greyson sat on the porch to wait for her arrival. He knew they had hours if the weather permitted to get Grams settled.

"You sly devil you..." Grams fussed as he held her hand up the small flight of stairs. "How is she?"

"Sleeping a lot, and spending a lot of time in the garden. And she not keeping anything other than fruit down."

"Then she getting close." Grams nods her head. Greyson leaves her in the sitting area for a moment. She decides to go outside to surprise Jai now. "Gumdrop, I'm here." Her singsong voice floated in the wind. Jai turned around and could barely get up in excitement.

"Grams!" her little body waddled to her. Any day now...

"Look at my Gumdrop. Bout to be a whole you feeling?" Grams rubs her belly and her forehead. "Has Greyson been a good partner? Y'all doing better?"

Jai is quiet. Reflecting. A hot blush flashed around her face. "I've been pretty good, just so heavy. Greyson is..."

Grams wacks her. "Don't even start that."

"I'm in love again Grams."

"You were never out of love, Jai."

One morning, Jai sat at her table in the kitchen with a serious expression on her face. Greyson had business to take care of at the Headquarters and Grams was taking her time today.

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