Prolouge/The Box

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The GladeTwo words that when written out seem so simple but in reality are anything but simple.  Now what was in reality simple?  My only answer so far was that I was alive; the fact that I was alive was simple.


**Authors note: Hello and this is my first story on here! Any future authors notes will be put in between two asteriscs (**). I read The Maze Runner and fell in love with the book and decided to see the movie.  Seeing the movie made me want to write about it!  So hopefully you like it and feel free to leave me feed back!

The beginning part is kind of a prelude to the actual story inside the main characters head if that makes any sense.  Anything that is italicised or in '  ' marks are thoughts in the main characters head.**


            The first thing I remember is that I am alive and my first question was ‘Where am I?’.  As I slowly regain muscle memory and remember how to use my hands I feel my way around.  Cool metal.  That’s all I felt was cool metal but why metal?  I realize there must be something other than cool metal floor, my brain also wanted to know exactly how big was this floor?  Slowly I make my way in one direction in search of a wall of some sorts so I can life myself up.   The first thing I run into is not metal but it is cool.  I get a closer look at it and it’s a barrel made of wood, now a barrel of what I do not know.  My initial thought was that it was a liquid of some sort if not that then it was food. 

            I continue crawling around this space but after awhile I couldn’t find a wall, so I gave up.  I huffed and just sat down where I was thinking about what I was going to do next.  Finally my eyes have grown used to the darkness and my ears have barely gotten used to the silence.  In that silence I hear something faintly breathing, something or someone else was in here.

            “Who’s there?” I call out tentatively.  Whatever it was I did not want to get on its bad side, not when I didn’t know what was going on or where I was.  Nothing responded just a hitch in breath before it returned to normal.  I looked around, paying more attention to the outer edges. Jut my luck I was maybe six inches away from a wall.  What my eyes landed on would cause me to let out a small scream.  There was a boy cowering in between two barrel’s trying to shrink further into that darkness.  He was obviously a different race compared to me.  Asian.  This boy was Asian my brain thought and I was not Asian.  We were different but we were both scared.  After watching him closely I crawled towards him slowly so I wouldn’t scare him more than he already was.

            “I’m not going to hurt you.” Keeping eye contact with him.  My voice was still shaky from seeing another human being.  His eyes shifted left and right as if looking for a way to escape should he need to, I don’t mind because I would be doing the same thing.  Finally he gave me a response with a shaky voice.

            “How can I trust you?”

            He had a point, how could he trust me?  Could I even really trust him?  However somewhere deep inside of me I just had this gut feeling that we were supposed to trust each other.  We were in this box together.  Before I could respond he spoke.

            “I just have this feeling that I’m supposed to trust and protect you.  I just don’t understand why I feel this way.  Why do I feel this way?!” His voice grew louder the longer he spoke.  He was scared and this was a natural reaction I guess.

            “I have the same questions you do.  I don’t know why you feel the need to trust and protect me.  All I know is that I have the same gut feeling that you are the only person I can possibly trust right now.” I stated.  He seemed to have no opposition to this so I took it as an opportunity to sit next to him quietly.  We just sat there for who knows how long.  Occasionally as the box continuously moved upwards there would be a blue light to shine through which provided little light.  It was enough to distinguish more and more about my fellow captive.  Not only was he Asian but also he had black hair which was formed into a quiff almost Mohawk kind of thing.  His eyes were also a dark brown or black, I couldn’t really tell because you know like no light here.  All of a sudden the box abruptly stopped and the blue light that was shining turned red.  The sudden stop of motion from the box cause us both to jump into a standing position.

            He turned to me and spoke, “Look whatever happens we need to trust each other no matter what.  Okay?” he asked me.  We didn’t know what was going to happen next all we know is that we are in it together either way.

            “Okay.” I replied looking him in the eyes.


**Anyone OBVIOUSLY catch that TFIOS reference?  I couldn't help myself I'm sorry!**

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon